Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Kay had never been to the Chemical Waste Zone, but it didn't surprise her at all that it stank of pollution and decay. Machinery was everywhere – even the bridge she walked on now was made of metal. Despite the fact that she was sure shoes on metal was supposed to make some sort of noise, and that waterfalls definitely were supposed to, the area she traversed now was eerily quiet. It was unsettling, to say the least.

She glanced around warily, noticing out of the corner of her left eye that there was something floating in the water. Slowly she made her way to the edge of the bridge and gripped the railing as she leaned over to see what it was. Kay almost lost the contents of her stomach when she saw the lifeless bodies of Flickies floating along with the current, their blood staining the pink water deep red.

With a soft gasp, she stumbled away from the railing to get away from the gruesome sight. The only thing that startled her more than the dead animals was when she bumped into something that most certainly had not been there before.

She whirled around.

"There you are," Sonic.exe said with an evil smile, his head titled to the side. He chuckled when she backed away from him. "Want to play hide and seek?"

"Stop it, Sonic," Kay said, trying to sound firm and keep her voice from wavering in fear. Visions of her last encounter with this monster flashed through her mind. She felt the railing press into her back, forcing her to stop where she was lest she become part of the departed. "This isn't you. You're a good person – a hero."

Sonic.exe sauntered towards her at an agonizingly slow pace. "This is what you've made me, Kay." His voice was deep, distorted. Completely unnatural. She shuddered. "Taking the Chaos Emerald was a mistake. Or are you proud of what you've done?"

"I didn't take it." Kay knew her protests would be pointless, but she was so terrified she didn't know what else to do. He was still coming for her, his red eyes glowing and dripping blood. "I don't know how I got it. I don't know why I have it."

He stopped moving then, standing so still it looked like he wasn't even breathing. His demonic gaze never left hers, and she dared not look away. Several moments passed where nothing but dead silence stood between them. Emphasis on dead.

Finally Kay took a breath and managed to squeak, "Sonic?"

And he lunged at her, teeth bared, claws ready to rip her to shreds. Kay screamed and stumbled back, completely forgetting where she was. The monster shoved her over the railing, watching with grim satisfaction as she fell down towards the pink waters of the Chemical Waste Zone.

As soon as her body hit the water, Kay saw a flash of white and heard a loud clap of thunder, neither of which went away, even after several seconds had passed. She was in a complete whiteout now; there was nothing else.

Kay clamped her hands over her ears and squeezed her eyes shut. You're dreaming, Kay! She screamed at herself. WAKE UP!!

She snapped her eyes open with a gasp. She wasn't in a whiteout anymore, nor was she back in the sewers of NYC. Now she stood in a field of the greenest grass she'd ever seen and, come to think of it, she had seen this field before. She recognized where she was immediately. It was the last place she'd been standing when the Second Genesis Wave sent her back to Earth.

Angel Island.

Kay felt her muscles tense and she took in a short breath, unable to tear her gaze away from the beautiful sight before her. It was just as she remembered it. Blue skies, sun shining, the forest in the distance. She wanted to believe it was real so badly, but her logical side took over and told her that she must be dreaming. There was no other explanation.

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