Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

It wasn't long after she'd returned her gem to its rightful place under her bed that the guys took off for their renewed nightly patrol. Kay stood in the living area at Master Splinter's side and waved as they left her behind. She so wished she could join them, but considering how their last encounter had played out, she knew it was best for her to lay low for a while.

The massive brick wall closed up behind the Turtles, leaving the lair empty and silent. Kay almost dared not breathe lest she disturb the stillness.

Thankfully, Splinter broke it for her when he asked, "Shall we take advantage of the silence and work on your training?"

"Sure," Kay replied, only partially surprised at his suggestion.

Splinter turned and began a slow walk to the dojo, his cane the only thing making noise as it tapped on the ground with each step. Kay moved slowly behind him, briefly recalling how she'd always hated to get stuck behind elderly people who moved slowly. The thought had hardly crossed her mind before she shook her head and scolded herself. This wasn't just any elderly rat - this was the Turtles' sensei.

Once inside the training room, Kay stopped moving and waited for Splinter to instruct her. He sat down just inside the entrance and held his hand out towards her. "Sit with me, Miss Kay."

"Just Kay is fine," she told him as she did what he said. Splinter was silent for a while, simply watching her. It took her a moment to realize why, but when she did she quickly corrected herself and shifted so she was sitting in front of him instead of next to him.

He nodded slowly, beginning to stroke the tuft of fur that was his beard. "I was observing your battle with Raphael earlier and was rather impressed," he said carefully. "I noticed, however, that you rarely switched to offense. Why is that?"

"I don't attack unless I have to," she answered with a small shrug.

He seemed pleased with her answer. "I see. I noticed also that your stance was unique."

"I know. I get that a lot. I just can't seem to think straight unless I stand normally and clear my head. If I hold any type of ready stance I suddenly don't remember what to do when attacked."

"Interesting. Perhaps I can help you with that." He looked her in the eye. "Later. I would like to begin not with physical training, but spiritual. Almost from the moment you arrived I have sensed a great turmoil within you - one that I believe you explained to me yesterday."

Kay frowned. "About my being human?"

"Yes. You struggle to accept who you are, but it reaches beyond the surface. You struggle with who you are on the inside as well," Splinter said to her with the wisdom of a hundred Japanese masters.

For a long time Kay didn't know how to respond. She was amazed at how perceptive this rat was, though his words confused her. She'd always thought she wanted the Mobian inside to reflect onto her outer self, but something about the way he spoke to her just now made her rethink that idea. For reasons not entirely known to her, she found herself agreeing with what he said.

But she made no move to show it. Instead she asked, "What do you suggest I do?"

Splinter calmly placed his cane across his lap and folded his hands as he spoke. "To fully understand why you reject your outward appearance, you must first come to terms with your inner self. I have done this exercise with all four of my sons, several times."

"Is this like meditation?"

"Somewhat. But what we do delves much deeper than you may think. It is more than clearing your mind to focus only on one thing. In time, this journey will show you who you truly are and help you accept that person, whether you like her or not."

Dude, This is No Vacation (A Sonic-TMNT Crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang