Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Kay felt strangely rested and relaxed when she opened her eyes again. Her muscles weren't tense the way they'd been the past several nights, she didn't have a frown plastered to her face. Instead she felt rejuvenated and ready to take on the world.

As she lay there, knowing that the sun was setting on the surface and night was about to begin, she recalled the events of several hours before. The nightmare, the screaming, Raph coming to her rescue.

Raph! The thought made Kay sit up in bed and realize that she actually was in bed, not on the floor where she'd fallen asleep in the muscular Turtle's arms. She was tucked in and everything. As she glanced around the small space that was her room, she also noticed that everything looked especially neat this evening. Or was it just her? She wasn't sure. But she did know one thing: whatever had happened that morning, the aftermath made it seem like nothing had happened at all.

With these thoughts in mind, Kay climbed out of bed, made it, and straightened up as best she could without a mirror. As the foggy cloud of sleep lifted from her mind, she recalled the choice she'd made earlier and went back to her bed, snatching her backpack out from under it. She then retrieved the Chaos Emerald and proceeded to shove it down to the bottom of her luggage, next to her cell phone.

I won't be needing either of them now, she thought.

Satisfied, Kay left the room and travelled down the short hallway to the fireman's pole, slid down, and made her way to the kitchen. As she grew closer, she noticed all four of the Turtles were already there, either eating breakfast or making it.

She prepared herself for the questions that were sure to come about the screaming that all of them must have heard, but to her surprise, no one said a word about it. Instead they spoke amongst themselves normally, as if they had no clue what had transpired in Kay's room. They each greeted her with a "good morning," but nothing followed. Kay silently fixed herself a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table with them. Still nothing.

She braved a glance at Raph, who made eye contact with her for just a split second before looking away. He wasn't ashamed of what he'd done last night, holding her while she cried and all that. He simply wasn't going to dwell on it. Life moved on, and from the looks of things, so had she. He could see in her eyes that something was different this morning. It was just a matter of time before she made it clear exactly what had changed.

For a long time, Kay sat and ate in silence, thinking long and hard about what she was going to do now that she'd chosen to focus on her present situation rather than her past life. She knew she couldn't keep hiding forever. Eventually something would happen to bring her back to the surface - something like one of the guys getting hurt for her sake. It wasn't difficult for her to decide she was not going to let them have the chance. This was her story as much as it was theirs.

"I want to learn to fight with weapons," Kay said finally, breaking the silence that had eventually settled over them all while they ate.

The Turtles stopped what they were doing to look at her, surprised. For a long time, no one said anything. Then, after several moments had passed, Raph nodded and went back to his breakfast. "Probably smart."

"Where is this coming from?" Leo asked her, both intrigued and concerned.

Kay looked him in the eyes, feeling stronger and more confident than she had in a long, long time. Ignoring his question, she continued, "And I want to go to the surface with you tonight." Leo opened his mouth to protest, but she quickly held up a hand to stop him. "I can't keep hiding down here forever. I know you think it's safer, but I'm perfectly capable of defending myself, and honestly, I don't like that I've been sidelined in my own story."

Leo watched her for a few seconds. "Kay, these people are a lot tougher than just some ordinary street thugs. The Purple Dragons control over half of the city, and the Foot Clan...well, they're ninjas, like us."

"I know, Leo," she said, not even caring that her response would only raise more questions. There was just no going back now. "That doesn't change anything."

"Ah, let her come along," Raph said to his older brother before more protests could come forth. "Girl could use the experience."


"And if she really gets into trouble, we can take those guys out, no problem."

Kay looked from Raph to Leo. When nothing more was said between them, she determined to take control and put her foot down for the first time in two years. "I'm sorry," she said to all four of them, "but the decision isn't up to you. I'm coming whether you like it or not. I know you're trying to help me, but you can't keep me here. It's my Emerald, my life. I deserve to be part of it."

Leo nodded his agreement immediately, raising his hands in surrender. "You're right. I won't argue with you. If you really want to come along, you're more than welcome to."

"Thank you."

From her right side, Kay could hear Mikey as he muttered, "Go, girl," under his breath. She smiled a little.

"And as far as your weapon training goes..." Leo began, but again Kay stopped him short.

"I already know which weapon I'd like to learn to use." It was then that she turned her attention to the scientist, who had been eating quietly this whole time. "The bo staff."

Donnie froze, his spoon halfway between the bowl and his mouth. He darted his eyes back and forth quickly, focused back on her, and said, "What?"

Kay shrugged. "If I'm out on the street, I'm more likely to find a stick than a sword. It's practical."

The purple-clad Turtle considered her words and glanced around the table at each of his brothers, but she already had him convinced. "She's got a point."

"Will you teach her?" Leo asked.

"I'll do my best," Donnie replied with a slight shrug, then let his spoon finish its journey.

Silence settled on the group once again, but this time Kay didn't mind. She'd done her duty. She was satisfied. She went back to her breakfast as well, not noticing Leo's stare until three spoonfuls later. Kay blinked at him.

"What?" she said.

"Who are you and what have you done with Kay?" he asked. She frowned, a tiny inkling of worry beginning to creep in, but it was quickly erased when his face broke into a grin. "You're taking charge way more than normal today."

"How do you know this isn't my normal?" Kay challenged.

"Is it?"

"Now that I have a better handle on what's happening around me, yes."

He nodded with approval, still smiling, and finally let her alone.

As they finished up, Raph muttered, "I like this Kay a lot more than the one we met a few days ago."

She grinned. Yeah, I like this Kay a lot better, too.

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