Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

A thin, stick-figure-like man came bearing down on Kay with a yell, some sort of weapon shaped like a pipe in his hands. Kay spun around and held her bo staff above her head, blocking the blow, then wrestled for the upper hand when he refused to be deflected. For a moment she thought he would overpower her, but she called on whatever strength she had to focus on shoving him away, and he stumbled back a few steps.

Instantly Kay was attacking, swinging her bo left and right in quick succession before jabbing one end into the man's stomach. He dropped his weapon and bent at the waist, clutching his midsection. Kay twirled her weapon and knocked it into the back of his knees. He was effectively grounded.

Some Purple Dragon, she thought as she kicked his weapon away and turned to face the her next opponent. It sure didn't take them long to find us.

As she began to battle the next joker who called himself a street thug, Kay recalled how the Dragons' new employer had promised to help them if they captured two of the Turtles. That must be why they're here now. They certainly work fast – I wonder if it's even been a full twenty-four hours?

This guy was a lot tougher than the one before, she had to admit. He had no weapon and was fighting her with his fists flying. Lucky for her, she had more combat skill in this area. He aimed a high kick at her head, which she dodged easily before coming back up to block first a left hook, then a right, then another left. Once their forearms connected on the third attempt, Kay brought up her left leg to kick him in the stomach. That seemed to be the go-to weak spot for these guys; this one dropped to the ground just as quickly as the first had.

Kay had hardly turned to reassess the area around her when she saw a flash of purple and green and suddenly Donnie was rolling on the ground behind her, having flown through the air after a particularly impressive blow. His oppressor was coming at him fast. Kay thought quickly and jumped in front of Donnie, gripping her bo like a baseball bat and swinging hard, aiming for his stomach but instead knocking the back of his head. She gasped, briefly afraid that she'd done more damage than intended. The man staggered, fell, and lay still, but was still breathing. Kay sighed.

Donnie came up beside her, staring at his downed enemy, out of breath. "Thanks."

"Happy to help," she replied.

Suddenly a yell caught their attention, and when they jerked their heads up they saw a figure tumbling over the side of a building about a block away. The unlucky fellow flailed and grasped for something to hold on to, somehow managing to snatch the rung of an escape ladder before slamming into it with full force. He cried out again, and his blue bandana fell over his shoulder, identifying him immediately.

Donnie and Kay exchanged glances.

"Uh-oh," he said, then took off, bo in hand. "Hang on, Leo!"

Kay wasn't two steps into her following sprint before something grabbed the back of her collar roughly and lifted her clear off the ground, whirling her around so that she was face to face with her next – and largest – enemy.

"Hey there, girlie. Miss me?" Hun sneered. Kay gripped her weapon and swung it at his face, but he caught it with ease and yanked it from her, letting it clatter to the ground as he held her out at arm's length. A smirk began to creep across his face. "You know, we wouldn't have to come after your friends if you'd just hand over the Emerald. What do you say?"

Kay glared at him. "In your dreams, you brute."

She moved as quickly as she could in order to hold on to the element of surprise. Her fist flew out and punched the massive man square in the nose, and in his brief moment of staggering, she used the momentum to swing herself up like an acrobat, landing on his muscular arm and forcing him to let go of her completely lest he break his wrist. Kay was rather small – especially compared to Hun – but the force of her landing still took him by surprise enough for the both of them to fall to the ground. She kicked the back of his head before he could recover, snatched up her bo, and got the heck out of dodge. She ran as fast as her legs would carry her, fully aware that he would be right behind her and no longer in a negotiating mood.

Dude, This is No Vacation (A Sonic-TMNT Crossover)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu