Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

The cool night air stung her face as she followed closely behind Leo a few hours later, running through the streets of NYC in full stealth mode, finally able to breathe fresh air instead of the musty oxygen the sewers offered. It felt so good to be free. Her legs were finally taking her somewhere worth going instead of simply carrying her back and forth from the dojo to the living area to her room. Even the constant noise of the city, which only a few days ago she'd found to be draining, was a nice break from the silence of the underground.

Leo had initially planned to lead an attack against the Purple Dragons tonight, but upon reaching the surface and feeling freedom greet her, Kay had once again taken charge and suggested that they instead listen in on what the Dragons were up to and try to find some clues as to who they were working for - who was really behind all this. Now the five of them were at their destination, climbing the fire escape to reach the roof.

Once there, Kay noticed with slight surprise that there was a glass skylight on top, and she could easily see through it into the area below, where Dragons were mulling about in the dead of night. Well, dead except for herself and the Turtles.

Donnie reached into his satchel and withdrew several tech-y items that Kay knew nothing about other than that they were used to pick up sounds through walls, or in this case, glass skylights. As the scientist began setting up his equipment, Mikey peered through the glass with a frown.

"Who's that weird-looking dude on the screen?" he asked.

Raph shrugged, arms crossed over his chest. "Maybe the guy those nutcases are working for?"

Kay stepped forward to take a look as well, but due to her lack of Turtle night-vision, she couldn't make out anything other than the human-shaped figures walking around, with one particularly large human standing out. Her eyes widened. Hun.

She felt a tap on her shoulder, and when she turned she saw Donnie holding a pair of binoculars out to her. She took them and peered through the lenses at the people below, quickly finding Hun's massive, muscular form and from there locating the screen that his attention was focused on.

"Do you know who it is?" Leo asked her, his voice low.

She lowered the binoculars. "It's too dark and the screen is distorted. Maybe I'll recognize his voice."

"There we go. All set," Donnie announced, flicking a final switch to activate whatever system he'd just set up. He put a Bluetooth-looking item in his ear before handing one each to Kay and Leo.

"I want one!" The youngest Turtle said in a stage whisper.

"I only have three, Mikey," Donnie replied.

Kay did her best to fit the earpiece in so she could use it hands-free but quickly realized that wasn't going to happen. So instead she held it in with her left hand and gave a thumbs-up to Donnie, who began tuning in to the conversation below. At first nothing but a loud whine of static filled her ear, making her wince, but soon the equipment did its job and voices began to come through loud and clear.

"-hard is it for you to nab one little girl and her stupid gem?" Someone was saying angrily.

Leo was already looking at her when she turned to look at him. Kay sighed. The voice of the guy on the screen was distorted, too - there was no way of knowing who it was now. Still, she knew it was better to keep listening and hopefully pick something up that way, so she turned her attention back to Hun, who was replying in a very heated voice.

"If it's so stupid, why are we wasting precious time looking for it?"

"Precious time?" The mystery man inquired, almost mockingly.

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