Chapter Ten

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  • Dedicated to Alex Bennett

Chapter Ten

“Sorry, Kay,” Leo said as the brick wall opened up with a woosh, revealing warm glow of the lair in the midst of the cold, damp sewers. “You’ll be safer down here. We’ll be back in a while.”

Kay nodded and hurried through before the wall closed back up, leaving Leo and Donnie to return to the surface and continue their investigation without her. So much for being part of the team. She sighed and made her way to the couch where she and Mikey had been playing video games earlier, plopping down on one of the cushions. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, replaying what just happened in her mind. It was all so fast and confusing, and to be honest, she didn’t know what to make of it. Karai was so unpredictable.

When she opened her eyes again, she noticed the case that housed Mikey’s collection of Sonic games sitting on top of the TV. She reached forward and grabbed it, looking at it closely. It was classic Sonic, smirking at the viewer with his finger in the air and nothing but attitude radiating from him. It made her smile. Kay remembered experiencing that attitude in person and growing to love it even more. She remembered the blue hedgehog taking her to the lake at sunset. The thought made her smile grow. She ran her hand over the picture in front of her fondly.

“Back so soon?”

Kay jumped at the sound of Master Splinter’s voice, losing her grip on the case. It began to fall, once, twice, but she finally managed to catch it. She sat back on the couch with a sigh of relief. Her heart was pounding. She glanced over at the rat, who tried not to chuckle as he apologized for startling her. Kay put the case back on the TV.

Splinter walked around the arm of the couch, asking, “May I join you?”

“Of course,” Kay replied, sitting up a little straighter.

He eased into the seat next to her, placing his cane across his lap. He was silent for several moments. Then, “What happened?”

“The Purple Dragons again, and the Foot Clan.”

“The Foot Clan?”

“Yeah,” Kay replied. “They’re both working for the same guy, but they aren’t working together. It’s really weird, and I still don’t know who is behind this.”

Splinter thought carefully. “Is it possible they are working only for themselves?”

She looked at him, proud of herself for feeling brave in his presence for once. “I doubt it.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Well...” She paused to think about how to respond. “I suppose technically it is possible, but the fact remains that someone had to tell them about the Emerald and what it can do for them to decide they wanted it in the first place. I need to know who that is.”

“What can it do? The Emerald has power?”

Kay facepalmed internally. Good grief, I’m doing it more now than when I was on Mobius. Well, I can’t hide the truth from them forever, I suppose. She also noticed the important emphasis Splinter placed on the word “Emerald,” as though it were not just another gem – a truth that was more accurate than he realized. “It doesn’t on Earth. That’s the problem – for them, anyway. Whoever is giving them information is leaving out the fact that the Emerald only has power on its own planet.”

Splinter frowned thoughtfully. “Indeed?” Then he looked into her eyes. “You seem troubled. Is there something else bothering you?”

You’re a human being. Kay shook her head to rid herself of the thought, but instead it simply shifted to her lips and suddenly she was talking about it. “It’s just that I’m constantly being reminded that I’m ‘only human.’ The guys can do so many amazing things, but I can only do so much because I’m ‘only human.’ I can’t even fight off some lousy Foot Ninja.”

“The Foot Clan is a formidable opponent. Their warriors are highly trained and their leader is the daughter of the most dangerous warrior in the history of Japan.” I know, Kay thought to herself, but of course she said nothing to him. The silence stretched on for what felt like forever. Finally, Splinter asked, “Miss Kay, are you dissatisfied with your humanity?”

“Yes,” Kay answered, and again there was silence. When the rat said nothing, she glanced at him and saw his waiting expression. She sat up a bit more and looked him in the eyes bravely. “Yes, it does.”

He placed his hand on his chin and stroked his small tuft of hair with a look of interest in his gentle brown gaze. “Why is that?”

“Because there used to be so much more to me, and now I have nothing but memories.”

“Are you implying that you have not always been human?”

“Well...” Kay debated whether to tell him that she had, in fact, been Mobian for a few months. She decided against it. “It’s complicated.”

“Hmm. How long have you trained in martial arts?”

“Two years.”

“And do you consider yourself proficient?”

“I used to, but then tonight...” Kay trailed off, remembering her swift defeat.

Splinter nodded. “You simply need more training. These things take time, Miss Kay.”

“I know. I’m just used to everything coming naturally, I guess.”

“Have you informed your family of your situation?”

The question caught her completely off guard. Kay gasped aloud. “No! Oh my gosh, I completely forgot! I’ve been so distracted...”

“Your cell phone will not work down here,” Splinter informed her. “When the boys return, I will have them escort you to the surface so you can make your calls.”

“My phone won’t work anyway. It’s dead,” Kay remembered. “I’ll have to use a pay phone.”

He nodded once. “It’s settled, then. And while we try to help you get home, perhaps you would allow me to continue your training so that you can sharpen your martial arts skills.” Kay looked at him, perplexed by this sudden offer. Splinter explained, “Already you have come face to face with two of our greatest enemies. But I sense more powerful foes in our future. If you would allow me, I would like to prepare you further so that when the time comes to face your enemy, you will be confident and ready.”

Kay, once again, could only stare. What on earth does he see in me that he would want to train me like the Turtles? What does he know? But the opportunity, scary and exciting as it was, was too good to pass up. She said, “I would be honored, Master Splinter.”

He nodded his acceptance, and Kay bowed to her new teacher.

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