Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

As she stood in the shower in April's apartment with the hot water drilling her face, Kay could not shake the feeling that she should know who the mysterious man on the screen was, distorted voice or no. Logically, there were very few possibilities as to who it could be, but even more logically, those people could not possibly be behind all this. None of it was making sense. Kay groaned in frustration.

Besides that, there was one other thing that was bothering her: where was the Foot Clan? Leo never reported seeing them while they'd been out without her - only the Purple Dragons, per the norm. Was the Foot really a one-time threat? Somehow Kay didn't think so.

Finally, she shut off the hot water and climbed out, quickly dressing herself in the new clothes April had set out for her to wear. Her Sonic t-shirt and jeans were beyond due for the laundry, but after having been in the sewers for the past week, hygiene was the last thing on her mind. When she was finished donning her new attire and combing her hair thoroughly, Kay took a deep breath and let it out slowly, feeling refreshed and ready to take on whatever challenged approached her next.

Kind of ironic that I'm wearing purple, she thought to herself, glancing down in a brief inspection. That was my go-to color for the longest time.

When she glanced back up to look at herself in the mirror, she screamed and stumbled back into the wall, taken completely by surprise.

Her Mobian form stood there looking back at her.

"What the...?" Kay muttered in a shocked whisper, starting openly at the hedgehog who mimicked her actions through the looking glass.

A knock on the bathroom door made her jump and cry out a second time. Casey's voice drifted through. "You okay in there?"

Kay put a hand to her heart, knowing full well that it wouldn't stop the pounding, and replied, "Yeah, yeah. I just...slipped."

A few moments of silence later she could hear Casey moving away from the door, and she gave her reflection one last hard stare before squeezing her eyes shut. Stop it, she scolded herself. This is all just in my head. She's not really there. I'm a human now, and I have to learn to deal with that. The guys need me. Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey are in the next room, and they need me.

This last thought was enough to bring her back to reality. When she opened her eyes again, she saw a human girl with dark brown hair and blue eyes looking back at her. There, she sighed. That's better.

Kay quickly gathered her things, made sure she left the area looking nicer than before, and rushed out of there. As she traveled back down the hallway she dropped her towels in April's laundry bin as requested. Then she stood a little straighter and entered the living room, where everyone sat talking as they waited for her.

Mikey was the first to notice her return, and he grinned. "Wow, Kay. Purple is definitely your color."

She smiled back at him as the others turned to see whether the youngest Turtle was right. "Thanks, Mikey." Kay couldn't help but feel kind of awkward wearing April's clothes. She stole a glance at the newlywed and saw that she was wearing a yellow night shirt and pajama pants.

Donnie stood up and approached her, a smile on his face as well. "Feeling better?"

"Much better, actually," Kay replied honestly. "This was a good idea."

He smiled at her again as Leo stood up as well, enticing the others to do the same. The leader in blue stretched, then said, "Well, we hate to shower and run, but April and Casey need to get to bed sometime."

Dude, This is No Vacation (A Sonic-TMNT Crossover)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant