𝙚𝙡𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣. 真実

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❝ 知らぬが仏 ❞

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jeongin let out a loud sigh while playing with the food on his plate lazily. it had been almost a month since minho blocked him and the younger was getting tired of this. he wanted to talk to him, clear things out, but it seemed like the older boy didn't want to be with him anymore.

jeongin's friends had noticed their friend's aura getting darker every day and they were also aware of the reason why this was happening. that day, when they confronted the boy about it, he admitted that he had been hanging out with minho secretly but no one was surprised as they already knew the truth. however, they did warn him again. they told him that minho wasn't someone he should mess with, yet jeongin kept worrying over him and texting him desperately.

the boys though had no idea about minho blocking jeongin and completely disappearing from his life but they suspected something since their friend had been acting weirdly for almost a month.

the dark-haired boy sighed again but this time, his friends had enough and decided to do something about it.

"okay, can you please tell us what is going on?" doyoung asked and jeongin froze, accidentally dropping the fork on his plate. he could feel his friends staring at him and he didn't like it. he hated being the center of attention.

"jeongin?" asahi shook the mentioned boy, causing him to flinch slightly and look up, locking eyes with yedam who was sitting right in front of him. yet his lips remained sealed.

"innie.. we know you're acting this way because something happened between you and minho. and we also know that you're scared to admit it. but i promise, none of us will get mad at you." mashiho softly said, rubbing the boy's back tenderly while smiling softly at him.

jeongin immediately relaxed after his friend's words and took a deep breath, looking down on his plate again. "minho blocked me"

yedam raised an eyebrow at this. "he blocked you? this fucking bastard—"

"stop it! he's not a bastard!" jeongin instantly defended the elder, causing all of his friends to stare at him blankly. the dark-haired boy immediately realized what he said and cleared his throat nervously while playing with his fingers awkwardly. "i mean.. he's not a bad guy. he's just lonely and has low self-esteem."

jaehyuk sighed. "why did he block you?"

"because he thought that he was getting me in danger by having me hang out around him! and even after i told him that i didn't care about it he didn't listen to me and just blocked my number!"

the whole table fell silent for a little while until yedam decided to break the silence with a loud sigh. "look jeongin. maybe you should listen to him. he's right, for once in his life, he's right. hanging out with him isn't a wise idea."

jeongin scoffed. "how would you know? you guys just believe the rumors about him! he might be a member of a gang but that doesn't make him dangerous! i know him and i can clearly see that he's pretty fragile and vulnerable to actually do something that would put someone's life in risk!"

yedam suddenly stood up and loudly banged his hands on the table, causing the other five boys to flinch. "enough! you think we don't know him? you think that we don't like him just because of the rumors? i don't give a shit about the rumors because i know exactly how he is and how dangerous he can be! he's an asshole jeongin, he's a fucking asshole!"

the dark haired boy had frozen as he listened to his friends words, everything still sounding unbelievable to him. he couldn't believe that his older friend was a bad guy. he refused to believe that someone as innocent looking and cute as minho was an asshole. but yedam probably had his reasons right? and he did mention something about knowing the elder didn't he?

"dammie.." jeongin cleared his throat and placed his hand on yedam's tensed shoulder, attempting to calm him down, which worked. "i'm sorry for making you mad... but can you please explain to me what happened between you and minho that made you hate him that much? please."

the taller boy sighed and put his own hand on the top of jeongin's one, giving it a light squeeze. "he killed my brother innie. two years ago, minho killed my brother..."




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