𝙨𝙖𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙚. 真実

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❝ 真実を見る勇気はあるかい?  ❞

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chan shut the door behind him and jeongin watched him carefully from the bed he was sitting on which he assumed belonged to chan. the older male took a deep breath and forced a smile as he sat next to the younger boy.

there was so much tension in the room jeongin could feel it on his bones.

"so" chan began and cleared his throat, his fingers playing nervously with one another. "where do i begin heh. it's a lot to tell."

jeongin shrugged and smiled softly as he looked at the older boy with a smile on his face. "you can start from wherever you want."

chan nodded and let out a sigh before staring at the boy in front of him again with a bitter smile. "you know, when minho was younger, he talked... a lot. like he wouldn't shut up even when people told him that he's annoying." the boy giggled and jeongin's eyes doubled in size.

"minho could talk?!"

"yea i thought you knew he wasn't born mute."

"i knew that... i just thought that he was never able to talk for some reason." jeongin shrugged and chan grinned slightly at the boy's innocence.

"he could talk. he was the most talkative person i knew. minho could talk for hours straight for whatever came to his mind. he just loved talking so so much." chan laughed slightly. "and he always annoyed the shit out of me."

jeongin grinned. he couldn't easily picture minho in his mind talking and never shutting up to the point that he annoyed other people.

"how did you know each other? are you guys related?"

chan's smile faded at the question and that's when jeongin knew that the atmosphere was going to become even darker from then on. "we're not related. but our parents were friends and so we kind of grew up together. i always thought of him as my younger brother."

the older man seemed nostalgic as he recalled the memories he had with minho back then when they were still innocent kids.

"but then things changed one day and that's when i lost the minho i used to know forever."

jeongin bit his lip in agony and nervousness. he wanted to know what had happened but he also didn't. what if learning this information made minho feel uncomfortable? what if it wasn't his place to know such details about his friend's life? but chan trusted him so it was okay right? or wasn't it?

jeongin decided not to dwell on it as his curiosity was bigger than his hesitancy.

"one day, when my dad was at work, he received a phone call from someone, telling him that our neighbors' house - where minho and his parents lived - had been invaded. my father instantly left from work and headed toward their house to see what was going on himself. however, when he opened the door, he came face to face with something he wished he had never witnessed."

chan exhaled shakily before moving on. "there, laying on the floor in a bloody mess, were minho's both parents, brutally murdered. his dad was beaten to death while his mom seemed to have been stabbed numerous times on her chest. my dad was so shocked but his first priority when he comprehended the situation was to find minho who was nowhere to be seen.

he first thought that they had abducted him but when his coworkers looked around the house carefully, someone found him hiding in the closet of his parents' room."

jeongin was too shocked to even blink. he couldn't believe something like that had happened. that minho had gone through this.

"my father tried to approach him but he kept flinching away without a word leaving his lips. he never said anything after that and never let anyone touch him. he didn't even show emotion, when i saw him a few hours after the incident, i thought he was dead. that was not the minho i knew and loved."

jeongin felt like crying and vomiting at the same time. what he was hearing was... unbelievable. cruel. horrific. minho didn't deserve to go through that. no one did.

"when the police interrogated him, he said nothing. he just stayed silent the whole time, staring at the officer in front of him with eyes void and hollow. no one ever found out what he had seen, how he managed to get away and hide and whether the culprit had found him and decided to let him live. minho wasn't saying anything to anyone.

after one month of people interrogating him daily and trying to make him talk, the officers decided to finally stop. they were about to send him at an orphanage as he had no other relative to take care of him but my dad stepped in and told them that he would take him home with us. you know, i was so happy that my best friend that i considered my little brother would finally become my real brother and the day he came in the house, i ran to him and hugged him tightly. but he did not react. he stayed there until i pulled away and then walked to his room and closed the door behind him."

chan sighed and moisturized his dry lips with his tongue. "he was just 8 years old when that happened. and he has been living with us since then. but he never talked to anyone about what happened, he never talked in general actually. only 4 years ago did minho start writing on a paper whatever he wanted to tell us. prior to that, he never communicated with anyone."

jeongin felt a tear rolling down on his cheek but he quickly wiped it away, not wanting chan to see him crying. the things he had learned about minho... it was all just too much. but he wanted to know more. he still had thousands of questions that hadn't received an answer yet. but was it really his place to ask all these? maybe it would be better if he asked minho himself right? and maybe chan could be there with them when he asked, to make things less awkward.

"are you okay innie?"

jeongin felt himself snapping out of his train of thoughts and he just nodded his head in response, not feeling like he could talk at the moment without breaking down.

"it's okay if you want to take your time or ask more. i just —"

suddenly, the door of the room opened widely, interrupting chan's sentence and a smiley hyunjin appeared on the doorway. "he woke up!"

jeongin and chan looked at each other before rushing toward the room minho was in and barging inside, finding minho sitting on the bed with a hesitant smile embellishing his lips.

hey guys, he mouthed and waved awkwardly. jeongin instantly ran to him and pulled him in a tight embrace, burying his face into his neck.

"i'm so glad you woke up min."



p.s : : btw i posted a new
minchan zombie
apocalypse au
in case you're interested...
sorry for the self promo


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