Yes, I'm Cynical

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yes, I'm cynical

but don't you think this has something to do

more with you and less with me?

If only, your betrayal wasn't so repetitive

If only, your actions could suggest otherwise

Then not all my poems would be elegies

Of me, my trust and our burning relationship

Not with passion, but because of your actions

Yes, I'm cynical

But have you ever done anything to prove my doubts otherwise?

So, don't you dare blame this on me and run away

Cuz, that will just solidify my blame

Instead of decreasing the creases on your name.

It's interesting how i can't just continue writing good scenarios, like after every good-ending poem, there has to be a why? Please don't blame me, it's somehow just how my mind works.. The glass shattering image cuz that's how i imagine relationships ending. Anyway, enjoyyyyy..



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