How do I still go on?

18 3 4

There, sitting on your rug,

Tracing its geometry,

Humming our favorite song,

Waiting for a couple minutes,

I almost call your name,

But you're not here.

8th of December,

When your eyes last saw me,

When you last spoke of me,

When I last felt me,

Seven months have surpassed me.

They say time heals,

Then why are your broken pieces still all over me?

They say move on,

But how do I when I'm still waiting for you to come?

They say you're gone,

But how can I believe when I still see you everywhere?

You were my home, my world,

My solace, my sanity,

You were the string pulling me together,

Yours was the heart beating inside of me,

Now that yours has stopped,

How do I still go on?

Hadn't written something for so long. I had almost lost my confidence in the fact that I could write. Hope you like it. 

~ A

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