
18 7 3

The night descends,

my heart beats, my mind wanders

my eyes look into the distance

dreamy enough, to confirm that I'm thinking of you

teary enough, to confirm that I'm reminiscing us

and my smile fading quickly enough

to tell them that we're never happening again

that's what they wanted right?

That's why they never could believe us

Never understood our happiness

Then why do they come consoling me now

Pretending that they care

Pretending that my tears flood their palaces

Pretending that they're sad for me

They talked when we were together,

Now they're concerned that we're not

Despite them not being significant to us

We handed our peace in their hands

Broke our bubble cuz of their glance

Are they still not happy now?

They still want to know the cause of my tears

But that's the problem

All they want to do is know

Know and satisfy their minds of the knowledge

Not satisfy my heart of the comfort

That's what I know.

I want to leave this one open to interpretation, not explaining it.

please tell me your views on it. also, comment if you liked it.



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