"stupidly" yours

13 2 5

You made me realize today

I got to know it today

How did I never understand?

Was I so happy to have found you,

That I didn't think if you had also found me?

Or if you even wanted to be found.

You blocked me, I wanted too

But guess what?

I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

You used to call me stupid right?

Well, I surely was, still am.

But I thought I was your stupid!

How stupid of me to assume huh?

I was too dependent on you, was I?


I was broken, I was walking on the worst days of life,

I just needed some time.

Just days after I asked you to promise

That I would never lose the friend in you,

You left me alone?

when you knew the dark I was going through?

Didn't even give me the chance for a goodbye.

Was our time not worth even a proper closure?

How did I not get, that probably you never thought of me the way I thought of you?

If you had said once,

You wouldn't have heard of me anymore.

you know that, don't you?

Atleast should've given me the chance

To thank and apologize?

I don't need to forgive you, cuz you're not at fault.

I am.

I forced something that probably you never wanted.

I just wish it hadn't happened the way it did.

I wish, someday you realize

I really considered you a friend,

Still do.

I am not the one who leaves,

  If you ever want to go back,

You can find me where it all started,

cuz, always remember, you left, I never did

I just hope, it doesn't get too late till then.

this poem is not for criticism. If you don't like it don't comment please.

And suddenly we were strangers again.

" I hope you stay happy & healthy".  

Anyway, to anyone reading this, i really truly hope you never lose a friend. Cuz that shit hurts. 



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