At The Mercy Of Love

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Stained my cheek crimson with your gaze

Oh, the power you have over me

Just one touch and

I melt right in your arms

Just one kiss

And I find it difficult to stand

Just one word

And you'll have me follow you

Wherever, if you'll have me

I used to rule over my mind

Now I willingly give you all the control

But I know I'm not the only one

All your poems have my name too

Your call record has me all over it

And you spend all your nights huffing my name

Love has both of us at its mercy

Ready to die or kill for each other.

This one was a little riskyyy, if you know which line i'm talking about.

(If you know, you know😉)


If you're reading and you got what i'm talking about, comment and tell if it was very obvious or not. This is the first time i've written something a little spicy ( even if it's just one line). If you don't like it, don't be angry at me, i'm still learning.

Thanks for reading!



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