The bitter reality

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Our fights were often lethal

No, not in a physical way as you'd think

But I loved him too much,

To not overthink every word he said

He'd often shout and keep shouting,

No, I'm not a saint, I'm not saying I didn't shout back

But my words hurt him less than the cuts his put in my heart

You're being over dramatic,

He'd always say,

Well, if you even felt a tenth of what I feel

Only if you knew emotions too exist

Sometimes I think how did I even lose my heart for you?

How did I even give myself to you?

When did your voice become my commanding power?

No, this is not how love is supposed to feel right?

I never wanted the burning passion they all crave for,

A stable sweet relation, is that also too much to ask for?

You had sworn to love me more than I'd ever received,

Sure, you did,

But you never had said,

That it'd come with trading my soul for your love?

You're not the devil, right?

You're supposed to be my lover,

You're not a saint, and I don't expect to be treated like a princess,

But considering me just human will also do.

Two updates the same day. hehe. Please comment and tell me how you liked it. 



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