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You're an introvert, I know

I'm not the most social person too,

We've known each other for not more than a month, I know

But feels like you've been there, all these years, all through my life

Oh, I wish, I really do.

I like to talk to you, every day,

Wish to talk to you every minute of the day,

God, I liked keeping distance, but you've made me like this

I didn't like sharing personal stuff,

Now I can't imagine not telling you,

I've always loved people, been kind, at least tried to be,

But never had anyone told me they missed me.

I've always taken efforts for all my friendships,

Never have I ever felt the love reciprocated before,

I love the way you care,

Love the way I never have to tell you to be there,

Thank god I don't have to tell you when I need you,

You always know it.

You exist right? You're real right?

Cuz you're my only proof that angels reside

I love the way we can't say bye,

I hope we don't ever change,

I don't want to say forever,

Cuz people say and then forget,

So, I'll say,

Even if we don't talk one day,

Please don't ever forget me,

Please don't ever un-love me.

Please don't ever hate me.

Cuz that'll break me in more ways than just my heart.

Shoutout to the inspiration for this poem, my dearest best friend, who I love so much that it could encompass the whole world's hatred, who I trust so much more than I could ever trust myself. I would've said that he means the world to me, but the world is a place too small for how much he means to me. 

It's not friendship day today, I know. But when you have such a lovable best friend you wish everyday was friendship day. hehe. 

Did I need to get all emotional now ? probably not. but you, dear best friend, need to be told how much of a gem you are. Yeah, that's it. 

Also, the title of this poem has a special meaning to me, it's not out of context. sorry if you couldn't understand it. Sometimes, my words are too personal to be generalized. 




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