fix a heart

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We had sat in silence for what felt like a long time, as John had screamed at me for going through his office. I didn't mean to, I just got curious and I needed to know the truth. "Why would you break my trust like this, y/n?" He looked over at me, as I ran a hand over my hair, I look over at him. "I didn't mean it, John." I sighed, as I felt like I was on the verge of tears, "Please just leave." He told me, I look down, before I grab my shoes and I walk out of the house, before he tried to take it back. I knew I couldn't come back from this, I felt like a complete idiot. I had fallen for John, so much that it scared me, he was so much older than me, he knew better and I was so stupid for believing he would actually love me too, he didn't. And I was in denial. As it began to get dark outside, I continued to walk down the street, when a car started to come up beside me, when I saw John, he gave me this look. "Get in the car, y/n." He stopped on the side of the road, as I watch him, I crossed my arms. "You told me to leave, John. Why are you fucking following me now?" I couldn't take much more of this cat and mouse game. "Just get in the fucking car. Do I have to spell it out?" He rolled his eyes as I just gave in, before I got into the passenger side, slamming the door, looking out the window as he drove back towards his house, I was confused why he came after me, but I didn't know.

He stopped the engine, before he looked over at me. The silence was kind of weird. "Do you know why I was mad at you?" I nodded, as I play with my hands. "I broke your trust. And I did a stupid thing, I tried to apologise, John-" he cuts me off. "Ah, ah.. darling. Darling. Come on now. I want a proper apology." He watched me, as I look into his eyes. "I'm sorry for going through your belongings, John." He smirked, like he was proud of himself. "That was a bit better." He ran a hand through my hair, as I lean into his hand. "Can I do anything to make it better?" I could at least cook dinner or something, I had to try and make it okay between us. "I've always wanted you on top of me, screaming my name." I almost choked when he said that, my eyes widened as I look over at him, "Are you serious?" I'd never had sex with an older guy, I didn't have a clue what I was doing. "Why do you look so surprised?" He chuckled, as I try and hide my blushing. "I've never been on top before.." I awkwardly look away, "I can show you." He offered, as I take a deep breath. "Okay." He pulled me on his lap, so I straddled him, he held onto my back as he watched my eyes. "You're beautiful, baby." He kissed my shoulder, as I held onto his shoulders. "Relax. You're so tense." He kissed up my neck, as I lean against him, my hips gravitate against his, "I'm sorry-" He stops me. "You do whatever feels comfortable, Angel. I want to get you all worked up." He growled, as he gripped my hair, his eyes on mine.

"Let me show you how a real man fucks."

(😉😅🥺 I'm the worst)

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