i love it when they scream

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"Someone help me! Please!" The woman we had captured was screaming for her life, as she was attached to one of the most deadly traps to date, the Angel trap. John was convinced that this would be the perfect one, even if Amanda made it, it was my idea to get it done. "Oh, quit your whining already! The fun is just getting started!" I spoke through the speakers, since I couldn't let her see me. "Who are you?! What do you want?!" She shouted, "Okay, so let me explain.. you see, you've already been told what you have to do. And I just follow Boss' rules. So, get the key before it melts into nothing! And yes, that really is acid." I cut the line, before leaning back in the chair. John had business to take care of, he left me in charge of all the traps, which was probably a dumb ass move on his part, but I knew what I was doing. "Feet off the table." I jumped, as I heard John from behind me. "Fuck!" I shouted, as I turned around, he crossed his arms. "What the fuck are you doing?" I shrugged, "Taking care of it, Boss man." He rolled his eyes, slamming down his fist on the table. "You don't need to taunt them, y/n. It's bad enough as it is." He snapped at me,  I frowned. "What the fuck is your problem?" He shakes his head, "Just go home, you've already done enough." He shoved me, as I looked at him, hurt. "I'm sorry." I whispered, as he looked away. "Baby, I'm sorry-" I just walk past him, as I ran outside, it was pouring with rain, as I went to my car, before I drove away,  I felt so hurt sometimes.

I switch off my phone and I laid down on the couch, as I had got home. I curl up, I sobbed, as the man I loved was being so cruel to me. It hurt my feelings when he acted up like that, I knew he was going through shit, but I just tried to help. I shut my eyes, as there's a bang on the door. I turn, as I realise the rain had finally stopped. I went to open the door, as Mark Hoffman, one of John's apprentices, barged inside. "The fuck are you doing here?" I shut the door as he pinned me to the wall. "You really wanna fuck up everything we're working for, you little bitch?" He snapped, as he held my throat down. "Fuck you, Mark." I spat, as he punched me in the face, blood ran down my nose. "I'll fucking kill you if you ever try and mess up our work, ever again. You hear me?" He shoved me to the ground, as he kicked me in the stomach. I laid there, shaking as he left me there, I was aching all over. "If you tell John anything about this, I will make sure you never speak again." He spat at me, as the door slammed open. "You want to repeat that, Hoffman?" John glared at him, as he looked down at me. "Get out. I'll deal with you later." Mark turned and he walked away, as John pulled me into his arms. "You're fine, I'm right here." I cried, as I gripped onto him, he rocked me softly as he kissed my forehead. "Let's get you cleaned up." He grabbed a first aid kit, as he cleaned my face, I flinched as he watched me. "This is all my fault, darling."

"No, no this isn't your fault. It's mine. I've ruined everything for you, for your work." I looked away, "I don't care about any of that, y/n. Jesus. Look at you, it's breaking my heart. I love you and this- this is killing me to see you like this." He looked away, "John, I can't do this anymore." He frowned, "Please don't do this, y/n. Don't leave me." I grab his hand. "I'm sorry, John. But, I can't. This world you live in, it's terrifying.. and I'm scared that I'm going to end up killed if I keep going along with this." He shakes his head, "Mark will pay for what he did to you. I can promise you that." I looked away, "I'm too scared to sleep, John. I can't even leave the house because I think Mark will come for me. Or Amanda. Or whoever else you have working for you." He looked down, "Don't I keep you safe?" I look back at him, "John, I love you. But this isn't a life I want anymore. I am too scared. And I can't risk losing my life for it." He stood up, as he frowned. "I need you. Please." He whispered. "Goodbye, John." I head upstairs, as I sat down on my bed, I take a shaky breath as I heard the door shut, as he had left. I watch him get into his car, as he looked right at me.

"I'm not giving up on you." He mouthed.

I counted on it.

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