golden hour

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"Where are we going again?" I asked, as John held my hand tightly. "Just keep your eyes closed, I promise it'll be worth it." I had no idea where he was taking me, but I hoped it wasn't a bad thing. "Okay, open your eyes." I open my eyes, we were inside this house, I wasn't sure what it even was, but it was almost like a warehouse. "John, why am I here?" He sat at the work station, as he watched me. "Take a look around." I looked at the different traps on the tables, I'd never seen anything like it. "Wow." I whispered, as his eyes never left mine. "What do you think?" I look back at him, "What are these?" He smiled, "My own creations." He made these? I couldn't help but be proud. "What are these for? Why did you make them?" He leaned forward, "Come here." He held his hand out to me, as I slowly walked over to him. He took my hand, as he sat me down on the chair, "Cameras?" There we're 8 separate screens, from security cameras. I'd never seen anything like it, there were people in these rooms. "John-" I tried to stand up, but he grabbed my arms and forced me to watch. "You're not leaving, we've just got started." He whispered, as I felt the fear rising in my throat. I didn't know how to feel, the screaming, the realisation that this was real and I wasn't just watching a horror movie. "Enough!" I yelled, as I shoved him back. He looked annoyed, but also upset. "Isn't this what you wanted? You wanted to see who I am? This is me, y/n. This is me!" I step back, "You're a monster." He looked down, "This is what I was scared of. That you wouldn't understand."

"Understand?! You're killing these people, John! Are you fucking stupid?!" I yelled angrily, as he seemed to back down, "I'm doing better. I'm making this right." I take a breath, "Better? How is this better?" He looked down at me, "Do you know what these people have done, y/n?" I sat down, as I look at him. "Go on, explain." He pulled a chair up next to me. "These people have committed crimes that I cannot allow them to go unpunished. Killing babies, robbing from elderly people, suffocating their husbands, selling dodgy drugs causing someone to die." I frowned, "They got away with it?" He nodded, "I don't murder these people. I've never killed anyone, darling. I'm just creating justice in this cruel world." I lean back, "So, you make them choose life or death?" He chuckled, "In a sense, yes. Think about it. If someone hurt the person you love the most, wouldn't you want them to serve their justice?" I look at his eyes, "Of course I would." I wondered if he knew how much I loved him, but I doubted it. "Do you understand why I do this now?" I take a breath, before I lean forward and I hug him tightly. He held me in his arms, "I know, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you." He whispered, as I grip his back. "It's still messing with my head, but, I get it." He smiled a little, as I look at him. "Thank you for listening to me." I stood up, the screaming was like white noise to me now, maybe I was getting off on it? "Darling, are you okay?" I look at him again, "This is going to sound really bad." He watched me closely.

"Go on, tell me." I look away, "Y/n, are you enjoying this?" I shrugged, "No... maybe." He smirked, "Admit it, you love it. You like hearing them suffer." The way he said it, it just made me crazy. "You're not dragging me into this with you, Kramer." He took my hand, as he pulled me back into him. "I've already pinned you down." He whispered, as l roll my eyes. "Be careful, I might bite." He growled, as he held my thighs, as I look down at him. "That sounds like a bonus to me." I sighed deeply, "John, I'm serious. This shit scares me, why did you really start this? You didn't just wake up and decide to do this. Why?" He looked away. "I had cancer." I didn't know what to say, "You what?" He looked back at me, "I had cancer, terminal. That's what they told me, but, I survived. Just about, the hospital messed up my blood tests, x rays.. I had a lot of people to blame. It got to the point where I tried to end my life, but I survived. It made me realise how important life is. That I had to cherish what I had. So, I decided to punish those who did wrong, people get away with so much these days, but not anymore. Not because of me." I just listened to him, as I held his hand. "I understand, John. And I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry that you went through that, I should of done better." He frowned, "Sweetheart, no. I don't blame you, at all. This isn't your fault." He pulled me closer to him, as I felt my tears. "Y/n. Please, don't do that." He wiped my eyes, as he held me even tighter. "I'm sorry that I failed you." I whispered, "You never apologise to me, ever again. Do you hear me? It's not your fault, at all. I didn't open up to you, I should of been honest. It isn't your responsibility to know these things, I didn't tell you. That's on me." I watch him for a while, as he kissed my forehead. "You can go to sleep, darling. I'll be right here." I hesitated, "I love you, John." I whispered, as I close my eyes. "I'll love you forever." He whispered, as I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was back in my own room. I look around, John was nowhere to be seen. I frowned, confused what the hell happened. "What the fuck?" I turn the light on, before I went downstairs. "You're awake." John was sat on my couch, typing on the laptop. Amanda was sat in the corner, she looked so mad. "What the fuck is happening?" I sat on the chair, as she glared at me. "Pack your shit up, little girl. We're going on a road trip." Amanda spoke up, "Enough with the condescending tone, Amanda." John snapped, as I look at him. "Do you want to explain what's happening to me?" He looked up. "We're going on a trip, just the three of us. I need your cooperation on this. Just a week." I sighed, "Fine." I stand up, before I went upstairs. I seriously didn't know what was going on. I grab my bag, as I packed some of my things. "You think you're going to get your own little love story, don't you?" Amanda's voice made me snap out of it. "Why are you such a bitch?" I glared, she grabbed my hair and pulled me against the wall. "I'll break your jaw and make it look accidental, so between us girls.. keep your hands off John." She shoved my face into the side of the door, "You're psychotic." She just laughed, "You've seen nothing yet." She let go of me, before going back downstairs. I look in the mirror, my lip was cut slightly and the side of my face was bruised, I flinched as I tried not to cry. "Almost done?" John leaned on the door frame, "Yeah, sure." I look away, "Hey, y/n.. look at me a second." I go silent, "I need to get finished, I'll come down in a minute." He grabbed the side of my face, as he looked at me. "Who the fuck did this to you?" He was angry, I could feel his anger.

"John, I'm fine." He looked down at me, "Tell me who hurt you. Now." I turn away from him, as I put my things into my bag. I went to leave, he shuts the door and blocks the doorway. "Seriously, John?" He crossed his arms, "Tell me who hit you." I look at him, "I hit my face on the door." He sighed angrily, "Alright, fine. Just be more careful. Let's go." We both went downstairs, as we all left to go god knows where. We had gone to a warehouse further up state, it was a lot bigger than the others I'd seen. "Get to work, girls." John walked over to the monitors, Amanda glared at me as she walked over to the other side of the room. I felt so low, my mental health wasn't brilliant and after what happened with Amanda, I was afraid. I look over at John, he seemed preoccupied and I didn't want to bother him. "Amanda, I need you to go back to base." She looked back, "What, why?" I went silent. "If you put your fucking hands on anyone that I care about again, you're done. Go." She scoffed angrily, before she left without another word. "Stupid bitch." He mumbled, as I turn back to the table. I felt his arms around me from behind, "You didn't have to do that." I put down the hammer, "Why didn't you tell me?" He turned me around, "I didn't want to cause any trouble." He kissed my forehead. "First rule of working for me, you have a problem, you come to me first. That's all I ask, talk to me." I nodded, "Good, now get back to it." He turned away from me, as I look back at him. "John, I can't fucking concentrate." He sighed, "What's wrong now?" I take a breath, "I'm in love with you." He watched me for a moment, "I know. You told me before."

"I can't remember anything." I lean against the table, "You know how much I love you, y/n. I'm so protective of you, that's why I want you with me. I know you're safe with me." My phone started to ring, "I need to get this, sorry." I pick the call up, as I walked outside. "What's happened? Tell me." The hospital had called, about my father. He hadn't been well for a while. "I'm very sorry, he passed this morning. We tried to contact you, but we hadn't heard anything." I almost collapse into the side of the door. "Was he peaceful? Tell me that at least." I couldn't cry, not now. "Yes, he was very at peace." I took a breath, "I'll come over tomorrow, I'm working at the moment. Thank you for telling me." I hang up, as I felt this pain inside me, just like I had with my mother, when she died. My parents were gone, I really was alone now. I held it together, as I went back inside. "Everything okay?" He looked up, "Yeah, yeah. I'm good." I was a wreck, but I had to keep it together. "You don't look good." I suddenly collapsed into the side of the table, he pulled me into him, as I broke down. "What happened? Jesus, y/n." He held me up, as I sobbed, I couldn't breathe. "Breathe, sweetheart. Breathe." I take a breath, as I tried to calm down. "What happened?" I look at him, "My dad. He's dead." He ran a hand through my hair. "I'm so sorry." I stood up, as I look around the warehouse. "I just need to go." I grab my bag, as he took my hand. "Let me come with you." I shake my head, "No, I need to do this alone." He hesitated, "Call me if you need me." I nodded, before I left and I drove back to the hospital. I waited outside, there were two cops stood at the entrance. I slowly get out of the car. "I need to report a crime." They both looked at me. "A crime? What are you talking about?"

"I know where Jigsaw is."

(Aaaaaaah this was a long one! Who wants part 2?!)

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