when the dead rise

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I sat on the ground, my hands and feet chained to the wall as I looked up at the broken TV screen on the wall. There was blood all over the floor, I didn't know how long I'd been sat here but I was starting to lose hope. "Have you learnt your lesson yet?" A deep voice came from a speaker up in the corner of the room. I look around, trying to figure out where it came from. "Learnt my lesson?" I had given up on this 'trap', I still didn't know why John was doing this to me. "You disobeyed me, y/n. I have to teach you that this is what happens when you lie to me." I look up at the camera, "Do you want me to suffer, John? You asked for it." I push back against the chain on my wrist, as I cried out, I knew I could break my hand doing this. The door slid open, as John looked at me, he got onto his knees in front of me. "Stop it." He grabbed my jaw, as he unlocked the chains from my hands, "You could of broken it, you stupid girl." He took the chain away from my ankles, as I panicked to get away. "Shhh, hey. Hey. Calm down." He held me in his arms, as my throat became dry and I felt like I was losing my breath. "Easy, doll. Easy." I held onto him tightly, as I tried to calm myself down. I grip onto his back, as he leaned into my shoulder. "I didn't mean to scare you, y/n. I just wanted you to learn your lesson." I nodded, as I look up at him. "And have you? You won't lie to me anymore?" I shake my head.

"Good girl." He kissed my forehead, as I slowly walked toward the open door. That's when I snapped, I quickly ran down the dark corridor. "Son of a bitch- y/n!" He yelled my name, as I found an exit and I rushed out into the woods. I ran so fast, my thighs began to burn, as I heard his car start up. I knew he would come for me, he always found a way. "If you're not scared now, you will be!" He shouted, as I tried to catch my breath, my body was burning and I felt sick to my stomach. I stop, as I lean back against the tree and I try and listen out for him. I heard slow footsteps, as I shut my eyes and tried my hardest to stay as silent as possible. "This isn't over." I stood backwards, as I felt his chest against my back. "You really shouldn't of done that." He whispered in my ear, as he grabbed my arms and he dragged me back toward his car. "No- no, please.. I don't want to go back." I begged him, "Get in the car, darling." I shake my head, "No!" I yelled, I kick at him, as he pushed me into the back and slammed the door, I tried to get out, but the doors were locked. "Let me out!" I screamed, as he growled. "Shut the fuck up!" He shouted, as I kick at the window. "You little brat, stop it!" I spit at him, as he pulled into the side of the road. He turned back to me, "Enough." His eyes were so dark, I'd never seen him so mad. I stopped, as he took a deep breath. "Just stop." I take a breath, as I started to calm down.

"You're such a fucking child, y/n. You throw a tantrum when I ask you to do one thing for me. It's unlike you." He pulled back to the road, as I sit back, silently. I'd tired myself out, I was beginning to get sleepy and I just wanted to rest. "Can I go to bed now?" I asked quietly, "Yes, darling." He was annoyed, I could tell. "Thank you." I mumbled, I lay down as I shut my eyes and I started to fall asleep. When I woke up, I was chained to the bed post in the same room that I was in before. I look at my hands, as I sighed deeply. I look outside the window, it was such a grey sky, it looked so dead out there. I felt the tears hit my eyes, as I lean over and take the laptop off the table. I check the date. "A year?" I whispered, articles began to come on the screen. I'd been missing for an entire year. I'd been kidnapped, never to be found ever again. It didn't make sense.

Why would he lie to me?

Did he even love me?

(Part 2?)

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