i guess you look happier

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I had found it so difficult to get over John, even after six months, he was back with Jill, his ex wife and he seemed to be happier with her, even if he was stuck on my mind constantly, I loved him and I couldn't just let him go as easy as that. I was so jealous seeing them together, the way she was looking at him, the way she smiled. I hated feeling this way, a part of me just wanted to leave town, so I wouldn't have to look at him ever again, it would of helped me move on, not being around him every time and maybe it would be okay, I'd be okay in the end. I packed up everything, putting it into the back of my car as I locked up the place, before I got into the car, I drove away, I didn't look back. I couldn't. I drove until I saw the sign for New Jersey, I sped up as I finally left, I smiled, as I felt free in some sort of way. I was free from this shitty town. I take a deep breath, before I continued to drive down the road, I felt strange just leaving like this. My phone started to ring, it was an unknown number. I frowned, as I answered the call. "Hello?" The line was silent for a moment. "Hello, y/n." It was John. Shit. "What the fuck do you want, you traitor?" I snapped, "You think I'm just going to let you leave?" He chuckled, his voice was so deep, it still terrified me. "I already have left. You won't find me." I speed up once again, "There is a tracking device underneath your car, darling. You're not going anywhere." Shit. He lost it.

"Son of a bitch, John!" I shouted, before I pulled into the side of the road, "I'm coming right back for you." He hangs up the call, as I screamed, anger in my voice, I slam my hands down on the wheel. I get out of the car, before I check underneath, I remove the device, before I break it open, smashing it completely. "You son of a fucking bitch." I breathed out, before I turn back, I saw him. He was right behind me, he got out of his car, his eyes dark on mine. "You left me, John. You fucking left me, don't you dare try and get me to go back. I will not watch you with her anymore." He grabbed my arms, a smile on his face. "You belong to me. You think I'll let you go? I'll never let you go." I couldn't even see John anymore, just Jigsaw. "You used me to get her back, John. That isn't how this works anymore." I suddenly grab his shoulders and I knew him up in the groin, he groaned in agony, as he stumbled back, I ran to my car, before I sped away. "You fucking bitch, I'll get you!" He shouted, as my heart beat sped up, I knew I didn't have long to get away. I drove for a while before I found an old log cabin, I parked up, there was no cars there, it was just mine. I get out of the car, before I look around. It was empty. No one was there. I sighed, it was getting dark and I needed some sleep, so I find an empty room and decide to stay there, since it was abandoned. I sit on the bed, as I looked around the small bedroom.

I shut the curtains, before I went to my car to get my bag, when I saw someone stood in the distance. Staring at me. My heart dropped, as I realised there was only one person it could be. Shit. I grab my bag as he started to walk towards me, I locked the car as I ran inside, up into the bedroom as I shut the door, my breathing changed suddenly. "Open the door, Princess." His voice was so deep, it made me shiver. I step back towards the window as I try to open it, but it was stuck. The door slammed open, as I stop, I froze all of a sudden. He walked towards me, as he chuckled. "That wasn't very mature of you, y/n. And I thought you were an adult." He smirked, as I glared at him. "Fuck you." I whispered, he gripped onto my throat, almost choking me to unconsciousness, as I lean back into the window, "I could snap your neck and leave you here to fucking die, you understand that, don't you doll?" He whispered, as I place my hand over his. "Go on, then. I'd rather be dead than live a life with you breathing down my neck." I told him, he smiled. "God, you make me so hard." He grunted, as I rolled my eyes. "You're fucking insane." He let go of my neck, before he ripped my shirt open, as well as my bra. My eyes widened, as he picked me up, shoving me down on the bed as he got on top of me, I wrap my legs around him, pulling him closer as he smirked. "You can't resist me, baby. Look how fucking drenched you are." He grunted, as I look into his eyes. "I'm sorry."

"I told you, sweetheart. You're mine. I'm yours. I'll never leave you alone again." He kissed at my neck, as I ran my hands through his hair, he looked into my eyes. "I love you, I want you to know that." He told me, as I nodded. "I love you, John. I always have, I can't stop loving you."

"I don't want you to stop. Ever."

John Kramer imagines (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now