one knock, safe. two knocks, run.

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I shouldn't of moved to this shitty town. I hated it, the boring job, the boss who was a complete asshole and mistreated his staff and the same, boring people that had nothing to do with themselves. I sat inside my flat, reading a book about this crazy killer who killed people for fun, I had a bit of a sadistic mind. I pour myself a glass of wine, before I heard the doorbell. That was weird. It was almost midnight and I didn't really know anyone around here. I put the book down, before I went to the door. "Hello?" I called through the door, "I'm sorry to bother you, Miss. Do you have a phone I can borrow?" His voice was so deep, it caught me off guard. "Who are you?" I asked, honestly confused. "My name is Jacob. I live across the hall, but I forgot my key and I have work in a few hours. Could I borrow a phone to call a locksmith?" He asked. "I can call them for you?" I was very hesitant, I didn't trust people that easily. "I'd really appreciate that, miss. Could you open the door?" He asked again, what was the worst that could happen? I slowly open the door, this guy was at least six feet, maybe even more, he was an older guy, grey/white hair, really attractive. "Hi." He smiled. "Hey." Why did I feel so drawn to him? This was beyond crazy. "I've called them, they should be here soon." He nodded. "I really appreciate that. Thank you. Uh- what's your name?" I looked at him, "I'm y/n." I shake his hand. "Jacob." He didn't look like a Jacob. But I couldn't judge. "It's nice to meet you." I watched him, a little cautious.

I got to know the man who lived opposite me very well, he was very charming and sweet, he was a lot older than me, but I didn't really mind. Six months went by, we had become good friends, we had an attraction and he just understood me. We were sat in my flat, as we talked over some wine. "So, how's your job going?" He asked, his hand placed on my knee. "Honestly, I'm surprised that I'm still there. Will is a total asshole." I'd mentioned my boss before, but not really. "How about you come and work for me?" I stopped, but also felt very intrigued. "Work for you? You have a company?" I asked. "In a sense, yes." I'd never really asked him about his work, I didn't want to be nosey. "I mean- I would love to, but- do you want to see my resumé? I don't know how this works." I laughed. "That won't be an issue. I'll pay you double of what you earn, plus benefits. I'll train you myself." This seemed way too good to be true. "You're just going to give me a job? Don't you need my qualifications?" He had this look in his eye. "Not at all. You seem clever enough to me, I trust you. How about you come to my office? Be there Monday morning. Six am. Don't be late. I can't stand people who waste my time." He stood up, before he went to leave, I just nodded. "Okay." I felt breathless somehow, I didn't know what the hell I was getting into, did I just quit my job and go and work for this man? I honestly had no clue. "I'll see you on Monday, darling." That caught me off guard. He leaves my flat, smirking.

Monday came around, six am on the dot, I was stood outside Jacob's warehouse, it was absolutely freezing and I couldn't see him anywhere. The door opened, as I stepped inside. The lights came on, when I felt something was seriously wrong. He had his face covered, he looked up, as the realisation hit me. "You're- you lied to me." He smiled. "Congratulations, y/n. You've passed my first test." Holy shit. I knew that face. I knew I'd seen it before, but I just couldn't figure it out, I had this weird instinct, but I wasn't sure. "John Kramer. This is John Kramer's warehouse." I looked around, completely stunned. "You're a very clever woman. I've studied that myself. And you, you'll be the most perfect apprentice. Working alongside me." Hell no. This was on another level. "Do you work for him?" I asked, as he laughed. "Work for him? Sweetheart, I am him. I needed you to trust me, for months.. I've worked my way up to this moment. And the look on your face. Beautiful." Holy shit. I'd really got myself into this mess. "John?" That look in his eye scared me, more than I'd ever been before. "I couldn't tell you my true identity. You'd have run away, they always do. I couldn't risk losing you so early, I needed you to carry it through with me." He was John Kramer. I honestly wish I'd seen it. "What makes you think I won't run away now?" He walked closer to me, "I know you won't. You've seen too much and you- you like this. You want to be a part of this world. My world." I looked up at him, "It's too late." I whispered. "Precisely. No turning back now, Princess." He turned away, I sighed deeply.

My head was spinning, my throat became dry as I leaned against the wall. I wasn't going to pass out, was I? God damn it. I was in my own personal Hell and I didn't have a way of getting out of here. "What did you do to me?" I called out, as he watched. "Just go to sleep, y/n. Go to sleep." He whispered, as I became unconscious. When I woke up, I was inside a room with six other people. My neck was chained against the wall. "Hello, welcome. I want to play a game."

Oh, you have to be shitting me.

(Who wants to play a game?😉 part 2 coming!)

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