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"Uh yes, that's me. Why?" The blonde haired boy said.

Mark doesn't know why he suddenly feels scared, the facade this guy has, he's the guy who wants to kill Renjun, he's the guy that possibly killed Minjae, but right now he's smiling in a very welcoming way. He's never felt this way, then his mind starts playing with him. He suddenly thinks about Donghyuck, he doesn't know why Donghyuck is the only thing he can think of right now.

"Hello, we want to talk to you." Chenle said, since he was wondering what's taking Mark so long.

"What are we gonna talk about?" He smiled and stepped out of the door frame slowly closing the door behind him.

"It's about Minjae," Chenle says slowly, not wanting the other guy hearing.

"What about it?" He asks but his smiling face turned into a serious one. He leads them out of the house as far as possible for the other boy to not hear anything. "I thought it's concluded as suicide."

"We all thought so too. But me and my partner here doesn't think so. Right?" Chenle faced Mark who was spacing out since earlier, Mark soon and nodded and space out again. "Don't mind my partner, he isn't feeling well today." Chenle smiled apologetically. Jeno smiled and shook his head and waved his hand from left to right stating 'don't'.

"So what about it? I mean, I was traumatized, and so is my boyfriend so I don't really like talking about it. I'm sorry." Jeno smiled apologetically and looked down. Liar. Mark doesn't know why he's so convinced that this guy was Minjae's killer. And he's determined to prove it so that he doesn't do that to anyone again.

"It's okay we understand. We're sorry for bothering you." Chenle smiled apologetically, again. "We're going now. Come on Mar--" Chenle was about to pull Mark's hand when he put his hand away.

"Do you know Renjun?" Mark suddenly asks, furious in the inside but he decides to keep his cool down.

"Of course, we're friends. Why?" Jeno answered with a small smile in his face.

Mark suddenly thought about what Renjun said, oh shit, i fucked up. he thought. "Oh nothing, I just heard that name from Donghyuck and do you think he has something to do with Minjae's death?" Mark lied to get Renjun out of this.

On the other hand, Chenle was confused on why Mark said that, but he decides to stay quiet for a while and ask Mark afterwards. Besides Mark knows what's he's doing. Right?

"I don't know, but i think." Jeno answered with a poker face. Liar. Mark thought again. But as Chenle said, Renjun KNOWS something, which means he knows who killed Minjae and basically it's the guy right infront of them.

"Okay then, we'll ask him next. Thank you for you time." Mark said and bowed, so did Chenle and Jeno.

Jeno watched them as they walk away, he dialed a number from his phone, but the receiver isn't there, so he send a voice message instead.

"Fuck you Renjun."


"What was that Mark? Are you okay?" Chenle asks as they walk away from Jaemin's to Renjun's. Chenle took his hand to Mark's forehead to check if he has a fever. Feeling none, he slaps Mark's arm for spacing out again.

"OW!" Mark exclaimed holding his arm now with a red mark in it. "What's wrong with you?"

"What is wrong with YOU?" Chenle held his hand to point at Mark's whole body from top to bottom. "You've been spacing out a lot. You lied about us just knowing Renjun? What the heck was that about?" Chenle can't handle this anymore, he knows Mark is hiding something from him and he's been patient the whole day. But with Mark acting like that, wouldn't you be curious too?

"Sleep at my house again, so that I'll tell you everything. Besides my dad has night duties and my mom will come back tomorrow morning, and my brother, well he's always out." Mark said. Chenle knitted his eyebrows.

"Let's just get a house for the two of us, if you're just letting me sleep in your's for almost everyday now." Chenle joked. He liked Mark's company but he'd rather have a house just the two of them so that he wouldn't have to go back and forth to his house to get some things.

"I mean, we can do that." Mark admitted which made Chenle look at him with suprise.

Chenle suddemly felt giddy, "Omg yes! I'll go buy us a house just so you wait!" Chenle contacted someone.

is he serious right now? Mark thought. But he didn't mind, they finally reached Mark's house and as they went up the stairs. Mark phone starts ringing. Renjun.



what? why? did he hurt you?

Chenle was curious on hearing those words from Mark.

no but he will
oh and btw he sent me a voice message. he said 'fuck you renjun'

i just said your name nothing more nothing less


your more scared in that rather than my dad is a police officer?

shut up Lee
anyways, if something happens to me I'll haunt you

if he does something to you tell me, okay?

yeah sure I'm gonna be a ghost soon anyways so yeah I'll definitely tell you

Mark could hear the sarcasm in Renjun's voice and so is imagining him rolling his eyes right in front of him.

just....*sigh* just tell me, I'll handle it

you better!

And with that, Renjun hangs up. Chenle is stretching his limbs in Mark's couch, that's where he usually sleeps. "Who was that?" Chenle asks as soon as Mark sat in his bed.

"Renjun," Mark answered shortly and laid back in his bed. Chenle grunts loudly catching Mark's attention. "What?"

"What do you mean 'what'? Mark, you aren't telling me something. I need to know." Chenle finally said emphasizing the 'know'. Mark sighed and sat back down facing Chenle.

"Remember you said that Renjun has something to do with this?" Chenle nodded, "Well, he does. He spoke up, but he didn't tell anything more, he just said that Jeno is trying to kill him." Mark said while Chenle has his eyes wide.

"The guy who's smiling earlier is the killer?" Chenle exclaimed suprised. Mark shrugged. "But isn't he Donghyuck's brother? But he looks like he's just our age." Chenle thinks a lot more, spacing out to the window.

Mark shrugged and laid down, and opened his phone. He went through his contacts and he sat back down too quickly that his head hurts, but he didn't mind that. Chenle noticed this peculiar behavior of Mark, "What's wrong?"

Mark showed his phone, specifically on one contact he has. Chenle frowned, thinking it's such a petty excuse for him to be that excited. "So?"

Mark put down his phone and eyed Chenle with a face 'oh really?', "What do you mean 'so?'? I have Donghyuck's fucking number. Since when?!"

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