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"We're kidnapped?!" Donghyuck said, quite too loudly, I couldn't tell if that's a scream or--....

"Where are we anyways?" Mark asked still sitting at the chair. He looked at what he's wearing, and he's still wearing his uniform.

"I don't know, it looks like a old, warehouse?" Chenle looked closely at the walls that surrounds them.

"How did we even get here from the first place?" Donghyuck started walking around and looking for an opening, hoping they can get out.

"I think we were poisoned." Renjun said, making the three boys look at him.

"What do you mean, poisoned?--" Mark asked, "--We didn't eat anything." Chenle agreed with his hyung.

"Poisoning doesn't just mean that if you eat something with poison, you get poisoned. It can be also through air--" Renjun paused for awhile to remember where they were attacked. "--I think when we were in the boy's bathroom before the bell rang, that's when the poison spread."

"Right, and we were the only one's there." Donghyuck agreed and nodded his head, seeing that everything makes sense.

"How did you even know we were poisoned?" Mark asked and faced Renjun.

"Easy, I smell a hint of Carbon Monoxide around here. Plus, you were the first one who loss consciousness." Donghyuck and Chenle nodded, while Mark rolled his eyes.

"We're lucky were alive, if we intake too much of it we would be dead by now."

"Then why didn't they just kill us?" Donghyuck said and crossed his arms. Mark sense something fishy going on, on Donghyuck's mind.

"I don't know, maybe they want something from us?" Chenle shrugged. "Where's our backpacks anyways?"

"We left it at school I guess," Mark sighed. And everyone followed him.

Donghyuck was about to say something when he heard footsteps from outside, since he was standing next to the door.

"Shh, someone's coming." Donghyuck ran quietly towards Mark and Chenle's position, and called Renjun to stick with them.

"Let's pretend we're still asleep." Chenle suggested and everybody just nodded in fear.

A loud bang was heard from opening the door, all of them flinched.

"Which one of you has the USB?!" The guy shouted, scaring the four, but they remained asleep.

"Don't wake them up, they're still asleep. Let's ask them later." Another guy said, but softer and you can sense worry in his tone.

"I don't care!" The guy stomped and walked towards the four. He slapped Donghyuck in the arm. The latter was scared, so he slowly opened his eyes.

"Where's the USB?" The guy said, much more softer than earlier.

"I-I d-don't know." Donghyuck is scared, I mean, who wouldn't?

"You lying little bitch." He spatted at him. Making Chenle next to the latter more scared than ever.

The guy just glared at the four of them, and started walking away.

But then Mark decided to ask the guy. "Why is that USB so important to you?" He made sure his voice was heard throughout the whole place.

"Oh, pretending to sleep, I see." The guy smirked and walked closer to them, specifically Mark. He held Mark from the collar and forced him to stand up.

"That USB contains all our possessions. And someone told us one of you has it." He pushed Mark away, making him land on his butt. Donghyuck pulled Mark closer to him, cuz he sense that something might happen.

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