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Mark sat at his regular seat at the cafeteria, he likes to sit alone. He was sipping his chocolate milk while looking at his phone. He took some pictures of the file so that he wouldn't have to bring it to school. He suddenly sees the boy his father--along with him, took home. He was looking for a place to sit, and Mark had an idea.

"Hey kid," He shouted, since he doesn't know if he will tell the boy's name right. I mean, he's Chinese. Some students look at him, cuz of his voice. The boy looked at him and went to him.

"Sit with me," Mark offered. The boy was kinda shocked when he heard that. "T-thank you," He said and sat down.

The cafeteria doors suddenly bursts open, revealing a handsome boy. And everybody stops what they're doing and admires the boy, even Chenle. "Who is that?" Chenle asks Mark, who looks unfazed. "That's just Jisung, Jisung Park." He replied.

"He's so angelic," Mark hummed, asking to repeat what Chenle said, since he didn't hear it clearly. "Huh?" Chenle got back from fanboying with the boy. Look at that, he didn't even know he said that.

The boy sat alone at one table at the edge of the cafeteria. 'Looks like he doesn't have friends', Chenle thought. "Are you new here?" Mark suddenly asks the younger, and Chenle replied with a nod. The younger started eating slowly. 'He seems to be uncomfortable', Mark thought.

"Are you okay?" Mark asks, putting down his phone to have a talk with him. "Y-yeah, I mean, yeah, I'm fine." Chenle replied. "Sounds like you hesitated."

"What? N-no, I mean, I'm fine," His head hung low when he said the last word. "Why? Finding it hard to adjust?"

Chenle slowly nods his head. "How do you know this kind of stuff. It's creepy." He softly says, Mark just chuckled. "I'm a son of a police officer and my mom was a lawyer. Kinda normal." He shrugged, Chenle again nods his head.

Time passes and they got along pretty well. He even invited Chenle to his house, which the younger said yes.

Mark is walking towards the gates where his mother is waiting. His house is pretty far from the school. And you have to pass a forest to get to his house, same goes to Chenle's.

He got inside the car. The trip to his house was silent, since his mother was driving. And his mother doesn't really like asking too much questions, except when she's on court of course.

"Mom, my friend is coming over later." He said as soon as he reached their house. Her mother just smiled and nodded her head. "Is it a girl or a boy?" She teased. "Mom, I told you not to do that." Her mother just smiled and shook her head in amusement.

He was having second thoughts in showing Chenle about what's he's working on. But decides to show it anyways. "Mark your friend's here!" His mother shouted from outside his room.

He stood up immediately and went down to the door where Chenle is waiting. "Come in," He offered which Chenle complied.

They entered Mark's room, which is clean, and that never happens. Only if he has visitors.

"Hey, remember when I told you I am working on something?" Chenle nodded. He showed the file, and Chenle starts to read it. "Oh, this was the one found on the lake, like a month ago?" Mark nodded, and let Chenle finished what he was reading.

"Wow, are they really sure that's suicide? I mean, they should find the body on the deeper part of the lake and not on the shallow waters, cuz who would drown in that depth." Mark suddenly jolts up, happy that someone thinks like him. "I know, that's why I'm trying to solve it."

"How? Try asking everyone who's related to the victim?" Mark clapped his hands making Chenle flinch. "And that's what we're gonna do." Mark gets ready by putting on his jacket, bringing a small flashlight and his phone.

"Wait, now?" Chenle asks, quite scared especially it's getting dark soon. "C'mon it's just 5:15. We'll be quick, I promise." And Chenle just hesitantly said 'okay'.

They first went to the neighbors, they agreed that they'll have to talk to the neighbor first before the closest to the victim, which is his brother.

They knocked at the house revealing a short boy. "Who are you?" He asked the two boys. "Um, we're here to talk to you." Mark said.

"If Donghyuck brought you here to prank me. Please, just go away." He was about to close the door, but Mark stopped it with his foot, which resulted to him hurting himself. "Ow, that hurts." He said hopping, since the boy closed the door too hard. "I'm sorry, are you okay?" The boy asked worriedly.

"Why did you even do that, babo?" Chenle shook his head looking down at Mark. "I thought it would look cool, but then he has to close the door that hard." Chenle rolled his eyes and shooks his head again.

"I'm sorry, but you really have to go." The boy said about to close the door again but Chenle stopped him. "Please, we really have to talk to you."

"About what?" He asked. "You know Na Minjae right?" The boy suddenly froze when he heard that name. "I don't wanna talk about it." The boy looked down.

"You don't have to, just give us your name and number so that you can tell us anytime." Mark said sincerely, smiling afterwards, same as Chenle.

It took a minute or two before the boy agreed. Mark took out his phone and gave it to the younger boy.

"Here you go," The boy gave back Mark's phone. And they thanked him afterwards.

"Let's talk to the brother tomorrow, my mom just texted me to go home." Chenle showed his phone, and Mark nodded. "Yeah, okay. Are we going to walk or...?"

"Let's just walk, I told my mom to meet me by the lake." Chenle said, and Mark nodded again. "Let me walk you there," Mark offered and Chenle was about to refuse but the older walked ahead of him towards the direction of the lake.

Chenle's ride came, and they bid their goodbyes. Mark was walking and he saw Jisung, who just come back from school.

When he arrived home, he opened his phone and smiled as he thinks he's coming one step closer to the case. Of course, with the help of the guy they visted earlier.

"Huang Renjun."


And this is Jisungggg waaahhh!! I've been waiting for a long time to say (write) that

And this is Jisungggg waaahhh!! I've been waiting for a long time to say (write) that

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I picked the right guy as my bias uwu

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