Chapter 20

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Arya POV

I stand before the man who I thought cared about me. The man I safe so many years ago. After leaving the waif face on one of the statues' faces I turn and leave not looking back.


I still feel pain. My wounds open. I need to find somewhere safe to go. I was by the docks when I see a familiar face. A face I haven't seen in years. I move my way towards her then she turns and gives me a look. She grabs the handle of her sword.

" Miho it's me Arya." I said.

"It is not you she distrust girl." a familiar voice said.

I turn and grab mine to see Jaquen. I glare at him.

" What are you doing here? Come to finish the job yourself?" I growled.

" No girl I come to join you on your journey home. It seems like I will be needed." He said.

" Try anything and my sister's right hand will kill you." I said. I gave a nod to Miho and she turns and we follow her to a ship.

" You speak of Ashara? No matter what we did you barely spoke of her. Why?" he asked.

" ...She was my first teacher. She taught me more about how the real world will do me, What I need to do....I never spoke on her because I'm sure many people want her dead and I gladly die not telling anything about her to keep her safe. She everything I could wish to be.


I woke after blacking out from my wounds. Miho gave me a look then one at Jaquen.

She gestured to her eyes then at me.

' Keep your eyes on her.'

She then left out.

" You should finish telling about your sister." He said. I rolled my eyes and got settled.

"Ned Stark had always said she looks like Aunt Lyanna and what she never got the chance to be...He also said I was like her as well. This always brings me to question how could she let the dragon prince take her and not put up a fight? Wolf blood he used to call it. Said that it always got her and Bradon into trouble.. 

My sister was taken as well but she fought and kept fighting until she came home. I was but a babe when the Greyjoy men took her. Robb and Jon came back yelling for father with tears in their eyes. He sent out men to track them but it was too late and she was gone. I never seen that look on fathers face. We were close during the time. I don't remember not being by her side or Jon's. 

" My mother hated them and fear them. More so Ash than anything. It was one time I was around when my mother got angry at them to threaten to throw them out. Ash then turn to her with this burning hot fire I never seen before. Her face slips into this mad..crazied look. Gone was my sister and it was like someone else spoke. ' Go head throw us out. Hate us for your husband fucking our whore mother. Go head throw us away..but know this Tully we might be bastards but we are northern bastards. You never be accepted here. 

No matter how many children you spat from between your legs you always be that southern girl thinking she belongs.' My mother didn't dare do anything for a while after that but by then the Greyjoys came and start the war." I said.

 I didn't even realize fully how late it was until Miho came back with food and gave it to use both then sat down herself. I notice she had my sister katana. It fit her well.

" Your sister seems like a very interesting women." He said.

" Yes, she is. When she returned home all those years ago I was relieved. Father seems to be happy and not have that look on his face. Failure. Robb was aesthetic. I jump into her arms and didn't let go. She didn't complain she held me. Then Jon came. They locked eyes. She let me down and then she was off and they had each other arms. It seems like they didn't want to let go. They were whole again. She then met Bran and Rickon and she was taken with Rickcon as he was with her. She gave us all gifts. Our father some alcohol, Robb armor, Sansa materials to make new dresses, then me katana something she had made her self then had one too, Bran a sword for he wanted to be a knight, she has even gotten Rickon a bow and arrows. I'm not sure what she gave Jon as he told her she was enough.

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