●︎ 𝙧𝙞𝙯𝙯𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙖

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The goblin man rushed into the tunnels of the Vagabond base with his heart threatening to thunder out from his chest, his son clutched tightly against him. "Tarthus—!" They tried to call to him, reaching out with their familiar gloved hands, but he battled past their shouting and lunges. There had been no time to grieve. There were nothing but questions and accusations tumbling in his head. He had heard news of the returners and how their numbers had dwindled dangerously. There had been no word of or from his wife. 


Tarthus came to a screeching halt in the doorway of the crowded tiny medical wing. With his son, Tarthuul, still firmly against his chest, Tarthus sent his piercing gaze to the crying human perched on the edge of the cot surrounded by goblins and humans alike. "Where is she?" he shouted. James looked up with a start, shocked grey eyes widening in horror. "Damn you! Where is she?!" Tarthus screamed advancing to the human, but dozens of hands shot out to him, stealing his son from his arms and removing the weapons he always proudly wore over his uniform. "Let go! Let go of me! Where is my wife, James?"

The roar of shouting filled the room, voices colliding as guild members fought to control the panicked goblin fighting to wrap his claws around James' neck. "Tarthus, calm down!" someone pleaded. "Think of your son!"

At that Tarthus slowed, razor sharp eyes focusing on the small form of his son who clutched to the dress of the healer who held him in her arms. He looked on in fear, large round eyes widening at the shouting. Tears began to spill from Tarthus' eyes and he lowered his head in shame, the tears spattering the dirty tiles below. 

His wails filled all the caverns and even the sewer rats cowered in their holes whimpering at the echoes of grief and sorrow. No one had ever seen the up and coming leader cry let alone break before an entire crowd of members. A new wake of silence grew and shuddered at the sounds of the goblin who fell at the feet of the human shaking on the bed. "I'm so sorry, Tarthus," said James, voice hoarse and cracking. "I'm so sorry I couldn't—there wasn't—"

"No. Not here. Not in front of my son." Tarthus looked to his son whose eyes were wide, watery and panicked. His son looked so small. So frail. If he was unable to protect his wife, how could he ever hope to protect his son? Alone?

Night consumed the sky not long after the news. By ceremony, candles were lit throughout the sewers in remembrance of Rizzellia and for the loss of a dear family member. After all, Rizzellia had been loved by many. 

Whether it be by a cruel act of fate or a chance of forgiveness, James found himself in the company of Tarthus' young son as his father was sent away to inform the leaders of what had become of his wife. The little goblin boy cried from time to time, and James found it hard to imagine what he was truly thiinking. For such a traumatic thing to happen at such a young age...

"Hello, Tarthuul," James said softly. Though he tried his best to hide the fear and sorrow in his tone, the boy looked up to him from the pillow on the floor with a trembling lip. "My-my name is James. I knew your mother very well."

Tarthuul wiped at his eyes. "Is Mama...really not coming home?"

James faltered, tears welling in his own eyes. "No, little one. I'm sorry." He knelt by Tarthuul's side. "But I made a very special promise to your mother. You see, your family is very important to me. And that means you are important to me." Mustering a smile, he placed a hand on the little goblin's head in a caring manner. "I'm going to do my best to take care of you and your family, okay? Will you promise me something?" Tarthuul's eyes became wide again, searching and hoppeful. "Promise that you will trust me?"

Trust me. 

Rizzellia's words echoed in his memory. 

James held his pinky out to the child and a promise was made as well as a new bond. And in that moment James vowed that he would do anything to protect that goblin family. Whatever was to come, no matter the challenge or danger he would honor Rizzellia's death through serving those who shared her blood. 

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