━━━━ [ E I G H T ] goblins & confessions

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hey now I'm going to be honest with you...I do NOT remember what happened this session other than the best thing: the addition of a new player. 

Anyways here goes nothing!

The gang leaves with their new pal Hal and heads to?? A close town?? To restock?? And find information about the Scientist??? I have no idea. The transition makes no sense in my head. Anyways, they head down the road after traveling a good while away from the tower, and along the road they hear what sounds like struggling in the woods. Sneaking to see what's wrong, the party finds a small group of thugs hitting what looks like a tied up goblin hanging from a tree like a piñata! 

I sadly do not remember just how this all panned out (players please help me), but they all spooked the thugs away through magic and what not(???) and the goblin is super stoked by the help of these "demons" as he refers to them to scare the thugs. They help said goblin down and he introduces himself as Tarthuul, a goblin monk on the look for some money and adventure. He asks what they all are doing so far out into the country, and they give a quick rundown of what happened in the past couple of days. To that our little Tarthuul asks, "What's a man gotta do to be a part of this god-killing, duke finding, money making business?"

And THUS...our king Tarthuul joins the party. 

Aite so they travel for a while talking and learning about one another and they decide to stop in a town named Dragonmont to restock and learn about this Scientist. To make a VERY long story short, they learn about an arena called the Terror Dome where people fight each other and creatures for money and fame. 

They watch a showing of a half-orc woman named Kova taking on a green dragon all by herself, and she manages to survive. Hal and Tarthuul decide to team up and they fight a Bulette and end up winning a good amount of money. 

They do end up finding some info about the Scientist and they surmise that his real name actually is Vaeril Thallan, and he was once on the council of Tamron:

"Vaeril Thallan was a court advisor to the late King Orbryn Moonglave of North Tamron in the far west nearly four hundred years prior. He was respected and well known for being an arcanist--a magical inventor. For undescribed reasons, he was removed from the Tamron Council, stripped of his elven privileges in any elven province, and banished from Tamron altogether. Reports nearly specify that he was removed from office on account of unjust experiments. Many rumor that he plotted to kill the king who died only a few days after his banishment. Others say there was a freak accident having to do with some experiment--something went wrong and he was promptly removed from office."

The gang decides to meet up at a bar and they wind up getting thrown into a story telling contest for a big pot of gold that other contestants contributed to. Lorelei and Calypso end up winning after telling their account of the tower they rescued Hal from. After getting wasted, Lorelei confesses her feelings to Mortimer saying how she doesn't know what love is, but she cares deeply for him and wants to be with him. Mortimer, unsure of what to do, says that he would much rather talk about the subject with a sober Lorelei and not a drunk Lorelei. Feeling rejected, Lorelei goes to bed while Calypso tidies her up and makes her comfortable (like a good friend would). 

Tarthuul, on the other hand, goes and sneaks into the tavern owner's private study and finds some suspicious documents that are seemingly tied to his hometown Thieves Guild--the Vagabonds. 

I'll be honest--I don't have a clue how this session ended lmao!!!!

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