●︎ 𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙣 𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙨

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The estate had seemingly grown colder to Lorelei. It was quiet save the occasional shouting of one brother to another to end something annoying, but even that had grown sparse. It was not a comforting silence that Lorelei had grown accustomed to in her empty room. No, it was a silence that chewed and spat. Lorelei was afraid, but she knew not what of. 

But then Penn said something to their father that could not be taken back. 

It was after breakfast one morning. The men were scattered about the estate to go about their business, but shouting soon echoed through the empty corridors. Lorelei could not hear much, but terror seized her heart and she was frozen where she stood in the library. She waited. Then, like a scared gazelle, Lorelei leapt quietly out and down the hall to the shouting in hopes of hearing what could possibly b wrong. 

The thundering voices came deep from within her father's study. The voices were enraged but almost pleading. The young girl's green eyes widened as she recognized Penn's voice, usually calm and soothing, now quick and sharp. 

"How dare you raise your voice now, boy! I have a duty to this family and its future. Do not dare squander the future I have given so much for to gift to you."

"Gift me? You've done nothing but take from me! You've taken my happiness—my pride!"

"Your life's duty is to protect this family. That is where your pride should—"

"I hate you!" 

Silence captured the room. 

Lorelei noticed she had not been breathing. Perhaps it was because, deep down, Lorelei did not want to hear more, but a ringing rose in her ears and she could no longer hear the words from inside her father's study. 

What had Penn done to anger father so? Surely Penn had made a mistake. Their father worked hard to give them a wealthy and bright future. Right?

The door slammed open and before Lorelei could jump out of the way, the wooden door struck her nose and it wasn't long before she felt blood drip down her nose. She ignored it as best she could to stay silent, but she whimpered quietly from the pain. Penn stepped out and from the sliver she could see behind the door, his face was red and as flaming as an ember. His eyes watered in both rage and agony. 

"I'm leaving," Penn said with a shaking voice. "I'll be gone by nightfall. Goodbye, Father." His footsteps thundered down the corridor, and Lorelei stood frozen for a few moments before she moved deftly out from behind her shield. Before fleeing the scene, she gathered her courage and peaked into her father's study. Alric sat, almost defeated, behind his desk with his face hidden behind his hands. He was silent, unmoving, but what frightened the small girl most was a shattered picture frame splayed to pieces on the deep brown wooden floor. 

Lorelei fled. 

Penn was leaving? He couldn't be serious. He promised to—

"Where are you going?" Lorelei demanded once she reached his room and watched as he angrily snatched clothes, books, papers, and drawings from about his room. 

"Go away, Lorelei." His voice was blank and cold—he had never spoken to her in such a way before. 

"Lorelei Josephine!" her mother screamed from somewhere deep within the estate. Penn did not turn to face her. Angry tears welled in her eyes, and Lorelei spun on her heels and ran from him wiping at the tears in vain as well as her nose to rid herself of the blood before she reached her mother. 

Penn's word was true. By the time that the sun set, he left the Bitterman estate with a few cases and his traveling hat. He said no word to his family. he gave no hint as to where he would go. And he gave no goodbye to his little sister. 

Lorelei watched from her chambers that night as his figure grew smaller and smaller in the distance, the lantern he held disappearing in the fog. She didn't know how long she cried and she didn't know whether she cried from sadness or anger. 

Penn was a liar. 

He promised to stay with her and she shattered that promise just as he shattered that picture in their father's chamber. 

Farewell, Penn. 

𝘏 𝘌 𝘓 𝘓 ' 𝘚   𝘎 𝘈 𝘛 𝘌 «𝔡𝔲𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔡𝔯𝔞𝔤𝔬𝔫𝔰»Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang