●︎ 𝙣𝙞𝙘𝙤'𝙨 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚

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Nico was a simple man. Though he didn't know what most did, he knew that much. Not wanting more was beaten into his consciousness as a child. Do not want more food. Do not want another hour to sleep. Do not want a connection with your rivals for their goal is to watch your blood spill on the dirt floor beneath you. Do not want more for you will never obtain it.

So when more was presented to him without him asking, Nico didn't know what to do.

Red had rescued him in her own way. She and the others had taken him from all he had ever known and presented him with a life of his own choices. He knew how to fight but fending for oneself did not focus on that entirely. He chose to fight, but to fight to learn how to survive. So that's what Red taught him. He learned to steal, to forage, to build, and while it was not everything, it was enough. And when presented with this more, Nico subconsciously longed for even more. He wanted companionship, more specifically with Red, but he was rejected. He was reminded not to want, not to ask for more. So Nico carried on with the thieves, smiling and providing even when he felt as though he didn't belong. Unlike the others, Nico was not raised with a family, or at least a part of one. Nico was raised like a dog.

But Nico was a simple man and as a simple man he decided it was best not to hope for more. With his own choice, he decided that staying with the thieves was enough. He decided to ignore the sadness in his gut and trudge on with a smile. He liked to believe smiling was what he did best next to fighting. Fighting with a smile was twice as deadly.

But then Nico was presented with more yet again.

Companionship was extended to him and it felt natural. Cedric Blackmire mirrored him in ways he didn't fully comprehend. Cedric was a mighty man who made him laugh—a man obviously haunted by something, but still he decided to fight for himself and those he trusted. Nico liked how he could understand plants like he could and he liked how Cedric smiled at him like they had known each other for a very long time. When they arm wrestled or punched each other for fun, a fountain of joy erupted in Nico's chest. Most people feared half-orcs, brutish creatures known only for their strength. But Cedric Blackmire said he liked him, Nico the half-orc who could barely tell left from right.

Lorelei was odd, but Nico was happy when she wasn't afraid of him. Most human women he had dealt with would take one look at him and either scream or scoff. She insulted him and he laughed. She insulted his intelligence and he found it funny. He knew he wasn't smart, so why be angry when someone reminded him? Lorelei was mean and she treated him like a pet at first, a funny brutish thing that made her laugh, but it was another form of companionship he appreciated.

Calypso had stated from their first introductions that she liked him. Jokingly, he had mentioned how his goods may have been stolen through nefarious means and she cackled in delight, a sound that confused him at first. But once he recognized that she admired his dense personality, he smiled and the smile stayed. Calypso, in some ways, was like him. They both were the kind of different that wasn't liked in the world, but they managed to survive thus far. Calypso was a thief, but one different from Red. Red stole for someone else. Red used her skills mechanically. Calypso's talent was fluid and she was witty. Calypso stole for herself. Nico admired that.

And he regretted dragging them into Red's plot right after he first met them. This strange group of three strangers were interesting and Nico's curiosity turned to guilt. He didn't want them to get hurt, but he wouldn't defy Red. But when they defied Red instead of him, Nico felt the urge of wanting once more. He wanted to know this group. He wanted to understand why they were the way they were. He wanted to follow in their footsteps. Maybe then he could learn more about fending for himself. Cedric could teach him mental strength, Lorelei could teach him the customs of the world, and Calypso—well. Well, he didn't know about Calypso. He just liked Calypso. She was fun and she didn't make him feel stupid.

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