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~3rd Person's POV~

It has been more than two years since Aolu vanished.

"Let's have faith in her. If Aolu-san says that she's going to come back, I believe she will." Brook comforted everyone.

A lot happened since then

Sabaody, human auctions, the 12 supernovas. Disappearance of the Straw Hat crew.

Marineford, the summit war, death of Fire Fist Ace and Whitebeard.

2 years of training, the return of the Straw Hats.

Fishmen Island, New World, Punk Hazard... Trafalgar Law.

x x x

"DRESSROSA!!" Luffy exclaimed as they stepped foot on the streets

"Woaah, SUPER beautiful," Franky exclaimed.

"Hello, how's it going?" A soft voice spoke, everyone turned around, "Welcome to Dressrosa."


"Yep, it's me." The woman smiled

"How are you doing?"

"I'm great actually, I've found myself a father who actually takes care of me." Aolu chuckled at the thought of the tall blonde


"Ah, I'm sure you all know him. And I'm pretty sure y'all are here to beat his ass."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"My name is now, Doquixote Aolu."

Everyone gaped, "D-donquixote?! You mean, the man whom you call father is, DOFLAMINGO?!??"

"Have mercy on me, that man took care of me when I was on the edge of dying, he treated me like I was his own family. I may be friends with you, but this time, I'll have to go against all of you."

"That's alright, we'll just win you over."

"Hehe, I've also gotten stronger in the past few years, don't underestimate me." Aolu winked before disappearing.


1) Yaaaa it ended, whoray. There won't be a second book, so imagine the rest :p

2) The last few chapters were pretty sloppy, I apologize for that.

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