cpater 9

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{big bord pov:} 

i walked back to peppa and chica, they were tlaking about the new movie coming out tomarooow. it was called ping pong vs pogzilla. and asked if i wanted to go the movies to watch it with them. 

"i am gonna have to see if i am allowed to" i reasponded.

"OK!!!!" peppa said to me as we all staretd to talk about th eproject.

"big bird, whop did you ahve to work on the project with?" chica asked me.

"not sure, they have not been at skool.  i think they are sick" i lied. my lie sucked though cuz i just had to say somthing.

"ohok" peepa and chica said.


(chica pov) 

i was walking home when i saw... neil!!!!! neil was walkimg twords big birds house. i was confused at first. how could big bird get neil to come to her hosue? i was big bird open the door for enil as he wanlkedi into her hosue.

i needed to ask her about this.

{ihuhuhuh sorry this chapter is liek 2 senttences long i just dont really want to witte whta???????????? yea so uhuhuhuhi will maken  new chapter late r 

☝Skool☝ (Peppa pig x neil Cicierega x big bird x chica)Where stories live. Discover now