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i dont think anyone acaully reads this book anymore but i do not care in the slightest, my obbsession with lemon demon and neil cicierega has not gone down in the slightest. i have liked it for a year (I think), and thats the longest ive ever liked something! i want lemon demon fans in the future, and my child in the future that may or may not exisit, to read this book and say "man,  lemon demon fans from 2020-2022 where carzy!!!!!1!!!!11!!!!!1!!!!1" i do plan to get this book done by the end of this year, mostly because i started it in 2020... 

please help i just realized i made this book in 2020 and haven't finished it 

i also just realized how messed up the timeline is, in high school neil would have not made the newer albums or Eps yet (spirit phone, view monster, nature tapes, ect...) (Or at least i dont think he would??? I did do a bit of math and i think he would've been 17 when he made the first album, correct me if im wrong.... And i think if you are 17 you would be a sophomore or something in high school) but this is officially an AU 😻😻😻 skool au to be exact

SO neil is a popular musician who has released all the albums up to sprit phone, (when i started this mouth dreams wasnt released so it isnt released yet in the book)  

okkay sorry for the aouthers note being so long  and stupisd

thank you


Niels pov))))😋

Me and dib still werent really sure what happened to luna. 

i felt like dib had forgotten about luna, but i was still very worried. getting my mind off it would be nice, and i did manage to do that. the dance is tommorw me and jack where going to have a date today. i had to get ready.

"what do people wear to dates" i asked myself looking in my closet for any good clothing. 

i found my lemon demon merch (official) and thought it was fancy enough to wear! Paired it with some skinny jeans thwt i never wear, and i was ready to go! 


Jack picked me up in his car. It was a pretty old car model but i didnt mind. 

 "Hey" jack said to me 

"Hi, whats up?" I said back to himk

 " nothing much" jack replied getting the car to start going again. 

 We decided to go to McDonald's for a date. Its not the normal kind of place you would go to for a date, but we both like it and we have a budget yk 😒😒😐😐👹

Jack got a coffee and a big mac and i got chicken nuggets with iced tea (the iced tea there is good please get it) 

But then i saw peppa.

Peppa was with her brother and mom, she had on her lemon demon merch and headphones in. 

She looked my way. Her expression went from bored to happy. She went inside and started walking up to us. 

 "Whos she?" Jack asked. 

 " Peppa, shes the friend of my partner for the school project" i responded moving my head to look back at him.

 "Hey guys!" Peppa said.

 " Hi. " i said to her

 "Whos he?" She asked looking at jack with a slightly aggravated expression, but still smiling. 

 "This is jack, my boyfriend." I said before taking a big bite of my children nugget.

 "You.r......boyfriend...?" Peppa slowly turnd her head to face me.

 I took a drink of my tea 

 "Yeah." I said.

 "Okay," her expression went from angery to happy really quickly . "Do you mind if i sit with you guys?" 

 " Well, we are on a We mind " jack told her.

 "Oh, okay." She walked away, me and jack both looked at eachother.

 " she was creppy... " jack took a bite of his burger.

 "Ikr.." I said eating another chicken nugget.


(ChicS pov) 

I get a text from pepa, shes saying neil has a bf, and his namw is jack. JACK STAUBER? I didnt know neil was dating jack!!! But now i do 😏she sends me a picture of the both of them chillin together at micky d's (McDonald's) ....

She rants a bit more about how much she hates jack and eventually it gets annoying.I send a message asking her why shes so angery, and to my surprise...

She says she loves him. Has a BIG FAT crush on him. 

Good thing i dknt have a crush on anyone anymroe! 😌😌😌


End of this chappy. Sorry its bad.... I promise the next one will be LONG, AMAZING,INTENSE, BLOODY, VIOLENT AND EPIC!!!!!!!1!1!1!1!1 (plan to make it prom night chappyter)

☝Skool☝ (Peppa pig x neil Cicierega x big bird x chica)Where stories live. Discover now