Chapter 4

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yea bros im trying to wriet more!!!! ok enjio bad. hapter i amke lol i suck at making boks!!!!!!!!!! alivin the. hcipmuck selfish brat ngl!!!! anyway new chareter going to be adding in book her name is luna from mlp and i ahet mlp btw!!!!!!! also there will be plot twist with who neail likes lol i will go mega poopys ok enijo bok!!!!!!!!!!

big birds pov

i sat in my bed and waited for chica to text me back but the only thing she texted me was "nvm". i was annoyed by this but i wanted to go to bed now. so i went to bed and went to sleep.

i woke up at 3:30 am annd started to get ready for the day. i put on makeup and new clothing i had gotten from old navy. i went out side and walked to skool. my skool is close to my home so i could walk there. when walking i saw a guy. he looked lonely so i decided to walk up to him and talk to him.

"hey there! are you a new kid at our skool?" i told the kid happily .

his head was down and he wore a black hoodie. he didnt respond to my question

"uh, hello? are you okay?" i asked the kid.

"Oh yea. sorry. yes im new." he said walking away fast.

he didnt even look at me but thats okay. he did say he was new so he could be shy.

i walked up to peppa and she was smoking. but thats nothing new.

"Hey peppa, aren't we not supposed to use vapes or smoke on skool property?" i asked her.

she didnt respond.

"peppa?" i said to her hoping she would respond .

"what?" peppa said to me she sounded annoyed .

"um- never mind" i told her.

"okay..." peppa sounded mad.

i dont like when peppa is mad.

chica ran up to us.

"hey guys! sorry im late!" chica told us

"its no problem chica!" i told her.

we all heard the bell ring so me and chica started to go into the skool. peppa didnt follow us.

"peppa!?" i asked her " aren't you coming with us? "

"ugh. fine ill come." peppa said throwing her vape in her pocket and walking with us into the skool.

soery thsi chapter short!!!!! new character relase in next chapter!!!!!s!ss!s!s!also epic!!!

☝Skool☝ (Peppa pig x neil Cicierega x big bird x chica)Where stories live. Discover now