Chapter 14 - Final decision

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Petra's father, Jonathan Ral, had many things in mind. But the most important one was his only daughter and her happiness. Of course, since her mother had passed away, he worked hard and tried to be as understanding as possible, but strict when required. He didn't want to abnegate Petra of true, parental love, even though she would never know her mother's again. 

So of course he was happy upon reading her numerous letters that she had a deep admiration and love, the one she persistently tried to conceal, towards her Captain Levi. To be truthful, the title meant nothing at all to him. Of course, he would be proud if such a man would become her true love, but to him, the only thing that mattered was her happiness. Not short-lived, transient one, but long-lived and eternal. 

One of the reasons he came for a visit was just to see her and her squad, with Captain Levi. He wanted to see with his own eyes and to convince himself the feelings are mutual. If not, then he will have to have a talk with Petra. To give her advice and to hear what she has to say about everything. 

Jonathan knew that broken hearts are hard enough to bear in normal life, let alone in the life of a soldier. Understandably, he wanted her to not feel pressure or grief at all. To still return alive from the missions as she has always been doing. 

Auruo. A friend of hers and a decent, yet the uncommon man. It was clear as day that he was head-over-heels in love with Petra without has ever noticing it. Maybe Auruo was good at hiding it, or maybe her heart subconsciously blinded for anyone else but Captain. 

Why allowing or even suggesting they should spend that special evening together then? Well, as a perceptive and a caring father he was, Jonathan noticed the change in Petra. She was still content and somehow smiley, but she wasn't fully happy as she was in her letters or when he would see her. 

Asked he had about Captain and she had frozen. Quickly regaining her senses, she had smiled weakly and said it's not something she should think about anymore. And it was more than enough for him to understand what had happened.

It was not easy looking at his only child that way, so he soothed her and they shared a comforting hug. But she never cried. And he didn't know whether he should be proud of her strength or be sad because she was clearly forcing herself to not break, just as her mother did in the past. 

Was Auruo a good chance for her? As far as he knew, good marriages develop from good friendships in many cases. Not all, of course, but he was ready to push them a little, especially Petra and see how it would work out. If it works, then good, if not, well... they will see what to do further then. 

"Why not?" Petra said, smiling. 

Jonathan hummed and glanced at Auruo. "It's set up then if you agree too."

"Well... of course, why not?" he said, a bit of pink dusting his cheeks. 

Jonathan glanced back at Petra who had already turned away to finish the breakfast for her squad, meaning she hadn't seen Auruo's face. 

Uninterested then. But who knows? We'll see. 

At that moment, Eld, Gunther and Eren strolled in, greeting Jonathan, avoiding Auruos glares. At that, Jonathan frowned behind his cup, wondering what could be possibly happening between them. 

"Well, to not bother you anymore, I'll take my leave," he made a decision and stood up, placing the cup on the kitchen counter.

"Oh, no, you're not disturbing us in any way, Sir," Eld said. "Captain has some business today so he won't be taking breakfast with us so there's an empty seat."

"It's ok. I insist," Jonathan said. "I've brought some groceries for you so you won't have to go to market any soon. I wish you all a good day."

"Thank you, Mister," Gunther said and others repeated except Petra who shook her head. 

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