Chapter 4 - A good advice

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Levi and his squad were eating silently. Auruo took a seat beside Petra this time. Usually Eld was sitting there, but Auruo was faster than him and stole his seat. Eld didn't say anything and just let it be.

Their breakfast contained a simple potato soup with meat and a little bit of spices. It was really good, but the first person who gave a compliment was... quess who?

"Mm! This is so delicious Petra!" said Auruo.

"Oh, thank you!" smiled Petra.

Levi's brows furrowed a little. Is Auruo realy jealous of him so he must do this shit?

Eld, pretty aware of everything that was happening around him, saw in which direction this river was flowing and decided to jump in.

"Delicious indeed! Right Captain?" he said.

Levi raised an eyebrow at him which Eld responded with a little, but daring smile, visible only to him.

"It's good." he simply said.

"Really good." said Gunther, joining their game.

"Come on guys, it's the same as always. What's with all of you today?" Petra laughted a little.

Auruo looked at her and smirked.

"Well, a delicious meals must be praised. You'll make a good wife one day."

Auruo couldn't bite his piece of bread in time. Petra slapped him at the back of the head and he bit his tongue.

"Petra why?!"

"Because knowing you, you were referring to something, right?" asked Petra annoyed.

"How do you know? Oh! So you're really looking forward to become my wife."

Petra, already red on the face due to annoyance, shot up from her seat, her eyes flashing. Auruo backed away in his chair and fell backwards.

"Ow!" he shouted as his back hit the floor.

Eld and Gunther burst into laught. Levi nonchalantly brought his spoon of soup to his mouth just to hide the smirk growing on his lips.

Serves you right, you idiot. he thought pleasant.

"That's what I got for being nice!" Auruo pouted.

"That's what you got for provoking our girl!" said Eld throught tears.

"Auruo, Petra, calm down and sit." ordered Levi despite his wish to watch the argument.

"Sorry Captain." apologized Petra and sat on her chair. Auruo did the same.

"I'll shut up if that's what you want." said Auruo while eyeing Petra. Petra was just about to open her mouth when Levi jumped in.

"Don't talk while eating Bossard, you might choke."

All squad members turned their heads towards their beloved Captain to see how actually annoyed he was with them. He looked at Auruo and an idea came to his mind.

"In that name, keep your mouth shut for the rest of the day." he said and continued eating.

Their jaws dropped at his words. Auruo couldn't believe what he just heard.

"B-but Captain, I-"

"You're not talking." said Levi and shot Auruo a death glare which silenced him.

Eld snickered at that.

"Enjoy your meal everyone." said Gunther and they continued eating in silence.

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