Chapter 24 - Salvation and fall

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Eren knew something wasn't right when he heard his comrades yelling out Eld's name. A pang of panic struck him as he whipped his head. However, the only thing he could spot was a figure of a Female Titan. He couldn't see his comrades.

And he didn't need to anymore. Whether he could see them or not, he knew what was the next thing he would do. And nobody shall stop him from fulfilling it.

I won't allow any harm to come to them, he decided, retracting the wires and shooting them in the opposite direction. Returning to his squad.

He heard Petra's voice to have faith, Captain Levi's voice telling him to choose and even though the fear surged through his bloodstream, determination and anger kept him going.

She will not kill anyone anymore! he growled inwardly, closer and more anxious with each swing of his gear.


"Oh no..." Petra froze in place, eyes wildly searching for a solution.

Eld was tangled and helpless, Gunther and Auruo stopped fighting the Female Titan. But even that small pause would be enough for the creature to regenerate. And then she will attack again and they will have to capture her again. But if they waste time on capturing her, they will be killed by titans. And if they start running away, she will get them first.

If they- if they-

Suddenly, she heard zipping. Looking up on instinct, she spotted Eren hovering in the air above them. State without gravity enveloped him as he looked down not at her but at the Female Titan.

Determination and sureness vibrated in his green eyes. An alluring wish of vengeance was practically reflecting.

Petra's heart sank.

"No! Eren, don't!" she exclaimed, but it was too late.

Eren had bitten his hand and thunder struck before her. Shielding her eyes, she backed away, connecting herself at the tree behind.

When it was over, she looked up, eyes widening at the enormous figure standing in place Eren was just a few seconds ago.

Even when he did it before her own eyes, even if she had seen many experiments Hange had done alongside him, even when she knew - she couldn't stay indifferent to how shocking and surreal this all was.

That Eren - that shy boy who always helped her, who respected others and cheered for the victory he had in his heart - was able to turn into this.

However, it may be that she as well had to grow used to it.

Hearing shouts, she spotted Auruo and Gunther going towards Eld. To help him out and protect him from approaching titans.

I have to help.

With that cognition, Petra nodded to herself. Seeing Eren still steaming after transformation and seizing the Female Titan, ready to attack, she shouted to him.

"Eren! We will help Eld and when we finish, come with us!"

The Titan looked down at her and nodded. Then he took a powerful run past her.

Petra bit her lip. She wasn't sure he would listen. But what else did she have?

She shot through the pocket of an empty space Eren left behind to fight the Female Titan, whose body stopped steaming.

We failed, Petra grit her teeth. Soon, a roar belonging to Eren reverberated through the whole forest, but she forced herself to stay calm.

He will be alright, she hoped.

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