Chapter 22 - A sinister forest

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Finally, they've reached the Forest. Gentle sound of leaves and grunts of nearby titans reached Petra's ears as they rode through. Encountering titans here and there wasn't too hard, but she still gripped her horse's reins tight, a frown on her face.

Eren rode on her right, right in the centre of the circle her, Eld, Auruo, Gunther and Captain Levi had made. Such a formation was indispensable, so he would be protected.

Every moment they had expected for something to happen - it had been too usual. If the enemy who killed Hange's experiment titans was so skilled to pass through all the guards, they would for sure do something now when they are out.

But what? They dreaded to know.

It is too calm, Petra thought.

And she was right. Explosions stuck behind them, no - more like a flash of lighting from the clear sky. And suddenly, a titan with no skin and female body came running from behind. It was moving like a human, so they knew right away she was an intelligent one, just like Eren.

So if there are more people like Eren, does that mean that the traitor or a spy was so close to them, right before their eyes?

Petra felt panic even before those thoughts swept her mind. By her friend's faces, she could recognize the same sentiments.

Eren wanted to transform, but they had stopped him. They could protect him, he doesn't have to put himself through all of that again. And besides, nothing was certain if he could. Desires made him do it and if fighting was what his conscience didn't want to - there was nothing he could do.

Even if he does - they know very well that it may be not enough.

Minutes stretched, people who tried to take her down failed or died. It prolonged and she started getting closer and closer.

Fingers itching to draw her swords and shot up at her face and cut it, Petra tried her best to control herself. She knew how to do it on many occasions, however, this was different.

Earlier, she didn't have an intelligent Titan run after her and her comrades. Never had she felt the fear that no matter what she would try, that the Female Titan would find a way to outsmart her. It made her angry.

Steps of the Female Titan seemed to widen or their horses grew tired. She couldn't hold it back anymore. Before she could stop herself, she started yelling. Not like a good friend or a lover, but like a soldier. Like a soldier she yelled at her Captain for permission, for guidance, for something, anything.

However, Levi's back was facing her. She couldn't see his face. Though his reluctance to turn and show it meant enough for her, she just couldn't ease her trepidation that neither he knew what to do.

"Captain!" she yelled out, voice now trembling, almost helplessly.

Tensed and focused only someone on the thin edge could be, Levi stared at the Female titan from the corner of his eye, sword drawn halfway, fingers turning white.

Wait longer. Wait a bit longer.

And finally, they caught her.

A web made of wires had trapped her and they passed further. Petra and the others, and secretly Captain Levi, felt relief. Shaky smile Petra gave Levi who just slightly had turned his head to look at her. Eyed relaxing, he gave her one of his rare smiles.

I told you everything was going to be alright, he said wordlessly and she smiled in return, being glad it really turned out that way.




"So, how long are we going to wait? I don't want to greet the night here," Auruo complained when almost two hours had passed without a word or a signal from their higher-ups.

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