Chapter 7 - Advisors

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Petra woke up with a dull headache. Her whole head was throbbing painly and she was grogy as well. Thinking back at previous night, Petra could only recall drinking with squad and Auruo's knocking out. After that, she stayed alone with Captain and he carried her here.

Captain seeing me in that state... I'll never drink that much EVER again!

She rubbed her temples and got off of her bed. She wobbled to her bathroom and splashed her face many times. She sighed as she saw her exhaused face. Thankfully, her bathroom was attached to her room, so she needn't to share it with anyone else. Some of the benefits for a highter ranked soldiers.

"Really?" she smiled awkwardly at how worned out she looked. She yawned and stretched out her muscles which caused her shoulder bones pop. Then she decided to fix herself and go to usual duties. There's no point in being lazy.

Petra really was expert in fixing your worn out look. She brushed her hair, got her uniform on, drank a glass of water and exited the room, brith and fresh as always.



Auruo shouted in hope to wake up his friend who was, to his unfortune, still sound asleep over his stomach. If any wondered, Levi was right. They really ended up on the floor, too drunk to awake after that. Eld fell over Auruo and staied in that position while Gunther was just beside them.

"You've got to be kidding me."

He started shaking Eld and even lightly punching him, but nothing. He was still sleeping. Auruo decided that was it. He lifted Eld and started releasing his legs. When he suceeded in it, he stood up and made his way towards the kitchen. They need to be up no matter what. The smug grin grew on his face just as he thought what their faces will be when he wakes them up with a surprise. 

He went to sink and poured the water in a bowl. He walked slowly to not drop it. When he exited, Petra came in from the back door. She strenched her back miscles again and started making breakfast.

Just as she started, Levi strolled into the kitchen by the same door Auruo exited. When he spotted Petra, he stopped. What now? Does she remember? If she does, he'll need to have a conversation with her. He begged God that she doesn't remember anything.

Petra had a feeling thet someone's watching her. When she glanced at the person on the door, she smiled.

"Morning, Captain Levi."

"Morning Petra."

An awkward silence lasted for a few seconds untill Petra decided to break it. "Why don't you sit down? I'll make you a tea," she said nicely.

"Congrantulations by the way."

Petra raised her head from her work and gave a puzzled look to her superior who was already at the table.

"For what?"

"For you and Auruo."

Petra's eyes flew open. "W-what?"

"I saw you two yesterday on the banch," Levi answered. "You two looked so busy with eachother so I decided to leave you alone."

"Captain... are you... spying on us?" Petra said.

Levi gave her a glare. "Of course not. I was on my way to barracs from tea and coffie shop."

"Oh. Captain I-" the sound of water boiling in the cattle cut off their conversation. She poured the black tea into his favourite cup and brought it to him. As he took it and brought it to his lips, Petra sat down across him.

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