Chapter 25 - Reminiscence and reality

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"Petra, wake up," Levi whispered, brushing his lips over Petra's forehead. 

She hummed, brows creasing before she cracked her eyes open.

"Is it morning yet?"

"It's noon."

Jumping into a sitting position, Petra's eyes widened like two sauces, staring at Levi for explanation.


Once Levi let out a huff, Petra took the pillow and threw it on him in embarrassment.


"Why did you do it?" she whisper-yelled, so she wouldn't wake up the entire HQ. That's it... if she hasn't already by her 'What?!'.

But Levi only smiled at her sadly. So sadly that Petra almost stumbled back.

"Levi... what's wrong?" she asked, eyes gently and worried.

"Because..." Levi started. "You will have peace only when you sleep."

Petra froze, feeling as if something grabbed her by the neck from behind. Reaching behind, she rubbed it, but the feeling didn't go away.

"Levi, what is happening?" she asked in mild panic.

But Levi looked like he was in a strange daze, half conscious, half distant. 

"You have to wake up. It is time."

"Time? Time for what?" Petra asked further, now fully panicking. 

Brushing the tips of his fingers across her cheek, Levi closed his eyes. Abruptly he opened them and Petra almost fell off the bed due to the intensity flaring in them.

"Open your eyes," he commanded without yelling, but it was enough for her to fall down, into a pit of something beyond anything she could imagine.

Before she could scream, she jerked.




Sleep cleared from her mind and eyes like a spider web would be torn away by a hand, Petra started before her, lost in the fragment of her dream.

She wasn't in her nor Levi's room. Trees were all she could see. Soft mattresses and pillows were replaced with a hard and sturdy wood, blankets replaced with green capes - thin, warm and comfortable. 

Memories of the last day flushed and she felt a headache already making her temples throb. Closing her eyes and frowning, she tried to not think about it.

Light of the Sun streamed down the treetops and Petra looked down at her lap, smiling. Levi's head laid there, his body curled down beside hers. Bringing her hand on his head, she gently brushed her thumb over the crease of his forehead, present even in his sleep. 

Browsing, she saw Auruo and Eld still sleeping, leaned on the giant trunk and Gunther who was stretching, always ready for action.

"Hey, Gunther," she whispered sleepily.

Gunther turned, smiling at her. "Good morning. Have you been able to catch a decent sleep?"

"I did. At least I didn't think about anything," Petra admitted, thoughtfully staring at Levi who didn't even move.

He's still sleeping... So peaceful.

How vulnerable he was in his sleep... Petra found it so calming yet so sad. Was he able to sleep like this when he was an Underground thug? Was he able to sleep without fear that someone might varde in his house through the door or slip through the window soundlessly - attacking and killing him? 

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