Chapter 12 - Broken heart

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AN: I'm so sorry for not updating sooner. I had a major writer's block where I just couldn't write anything good and no good ideas came for this story for so long. 🙁 I apologize for making you wait for six months and thank you all so much for rewievs, votes, kind comments, support and patience. I hope you'll like how the story will unfold further. Enjoy this chapter and have a good day! See you! 😊

After about half an hour later, Petra calmed down her sobbings. Auruo still cradled her in his arms, whispering comforting words.

"Don't cry, it'll be alright..."

"But how?" Petra asked, voice cracking. "I loved him and I still do, but it hurts so much! Why is he acting like that? What have I done to him? Why am I the problem?"

"You're not a problem Petra. He is," Auruo said and looked her deep in the eyes. "What a man one can be to hurt someone as dear as you?"

Petra flinched to that and averted her eyes from his. "I-I... but-"

"Stop defending him. There is no excuse for that. As far as I know you, you would never do something annoying or indescent to be treated this way."

Petra cracked a small smile that didn't reach her eyes. "... Speaking about something even when you don't know what happened..."

"Then tell me."

Petra snapped her head towards Auruo. Heart started drumming uncomfortably against her ribcage when she recalled the encounter with the beloved Captain. Unease creeped into her insides and her hands started shaking.

"It's-" she started after a pause in a futile attemp to sound calm, but Auruo saw right through her sentiment.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me," Auruo said. "We'll figure something out. In the end, we've been friends for a long time."

Timidly, Petra glanced at his serious, but not sharp features. Looking at her boots, she contemplated should she tell him or not. If not to him, than to whom?

To her Father? No. He would be so sad that his daughter went through such a pain and he didn't need that torment on his kind soul.

To Gunther and Eld? No. Even thought they are like brothers to her, she couldn't risk disrespect they would gain towards Captain Levi.

But to Auruo? A long known friend and companion. Person she bickered with, cared about and found his company enjoyable. Someone she knew cared for her and rational enough to push his disagreements and grudges aside for the greater good.

After a minute of musings, Petra finally made up her mind. Sighing, she sat on her bed with Auruo next to her, eyes hidden by ginger bangs. Taking one big breath, she mustered her courage up and lifted her chin, interwining her cold fingers.

And just like that, she started telling the story of her unrequited love.

Or so she thought it was that way.




"Has anyone seen Miss Petra?"

Eld and Gunther turned to Eren, who called from behind them.

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