Chapter 8 - Over the Wall Rose and back

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All this years of knowing her, he knew what he felt. All this time he kept it to himself because he thought he's not the right man for her. He barely knows how to say those words. There are many things he wants to say, but he knew he couldn't. Coward, maybe he is. Or a martyr who's fate is to watch his loved one from afar, with hope she'll be happy and for him the biggest treasure to know she's found better life because of his sacrifice.

56th expedition beyond the walls. As Commander Erwin and his fellows decided, they're going to pass through the gate of Trost. Many buildings are great opportunity to use the gear more than an open field.

Everything was ready. Soliders got up early, getting themselves ready for another battle of Humanity and Titans. Squads prepared themselves and Squad Leaders gathered them together in different formations.

Auruo glanced behind him at Petra who gave him reassuring smile. He smiled back and focused on the gate that was openening. As it was slow, he got time to sum up memories of his talk with Petra.


Petra was just grooming her horse's mane when Auruo called her. She gave him a side glance and smiled.


Petra's smile dropped as she saw her friend's serious face. She stopped grooming her horse and now fully faced him.

"What's wrong?"

"I... have something to tell you," he said.

"What is it?" Petra asked, a little taken back by Auruo's weird behavior. It's another expedition outside the Walls, she knew, but he's never been this nervous, let alone speak with her.

"I... I'm afraid something will happen and... if it do, to me or God forbid to you, then... I want you to know... I..." he said and locked his eyes with hers. His palms were sweating and he swallowed, like his own throat became so tight, just to prevent him from telling this words.

"You what?" Petra asked slowly.

"I... will do anything to protect you. You are very special to me... All of you are. I don't want my comrades to end up being eaten today. Not today nor anytime."

A feeling of endless symphaty was what Petra was feeling towards Auruo. She approached him and gave him a hug. He was a precious comrade and what's more important - a dear friend. The words he's said emboldened her very much. 

Auruo was standing like a dumb as he felt Petra's arms around his back. He quickly returned the hug, afraid she'll pull away before he has the chance to return it. A soft shade of red painted his cheeks.

"Don't worry, everything's going to be fine," she said and looked at him. Auruo's heart beat faster as he saw her beautiful smile once again. He would be damned if he didn't want to kiss her right then.

Girl pulled away and Auruo must do the same, to his big dismay. He didn't want to reveal everything at that moment. Expedition is ahead of them and his sudden confession would distract her and it will end her life maybe. That burden wasn't necesarry.

The sound of their Captain's voice shouting to get into formation alarmed them and they jumped on their horses and got in formation with others. Auruo was behing Levi, Petra was behing Auruo on the right, Eld on the left and Gunther in the line with first two mentioned. Nobody could see Captain's face. His eyes had dead expression in them.

"56th expedition outside the Walls begins!"

Commander's mighty yell snapped Auruo out of his thoughts. Tightening his grip on reins, he prepared himself for the worst.

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