Unknown Source

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I woke up to a dark room. No lights. No bed. No people. Silence. I had a severe headache, and it hit me as soon as I decided to lift my upper body.

I knew my name was Bonnie Elizabeth Parker. I also knew I was 16. That's all I knew. And as I could see in this dark room, that's all I was supposed to know.

The room was painted dark blue, but the dirt made it look as if it was that way. There were burnt places in the room letting me know there was a fire. On the floor was splotches of paint. Paint brushes lines the walls along with paint rollers. Paint trays were flipped over on the floor.

I stood up, examining the room a little more. On the right was a door. It was cracked to reveal a sliver of light. I walk out of it. To the left was a bathroom. The floor missing tile pieces, the mirror smashed, sink handles missing. There was millions of pieces of glass.

I moved forward, and to my right was a small dining room that a kitchen shoved itself into.

I started to Feel cold. I looked down at my bare legs that was only covered to mid thigh by a pare of shorts. I had a half shirt on. My bellybutton was pierced and my dark caramel skin was covered in some kind of gray ash.

I walked into the living area where a half burnt couch sat with a brand new suitcase on it. The suitcase sat with items in it I couldn't see. I moved closer. Inside was a few pairs of clothes, stacks of money and a post-it note on a card.

It was a visa card from chase, and on the post-it, it said in blue ink: As soon as you get this, get out.
Zip this bag and leave.
All needed items are in here.
There is at least two million dollars for you to live on.
Your birth certificate, social security card and passport are in here.
Trust no one, be careful.

-unknown source.

I did as was told and left immediately. Outside was warm, the sun was just rising so it had to be around six or seven.

I was on a street named Annott. Houses were missing and the street was messy. Across the street was a school. And a church sat on the corner. A car sat in the drive way, a post it on it too.

It read: I taught you to drive but this can be controlled by voice. I know your memory is still hazy right about now but just get in and say a '5970 Neff Avenue' it'll take you to a house, where you'll stay.

I got in the car and read the destination. The car started and backed out the driveway. The windows were tinted so, you couldn't see in but you could see out. In the passenger seat was a duffle bag. On it was another note. I sighed and picked it up.
Another bag of clothes and jewelry.
You'll have fun and meet new people.
Don't let everyone in though, you'll find a special one.
By then you'll remember a lot.

-Unknown source

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