A thinking coma

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It was everything, bright lights, unknown areas, laughing people, first kisses. Everything. The last memory being of me kissing a very familiar girl, and being pulled away quickly. I knew nothing of my parents still, but I knew I had friends. I knew now I visited another city, state, or country. I knew now of the fact I was happy outside but not happy inside. And I knew that when I wanted to finally be happy outside, I was snatched away from the opportunity. Momentarily, I was hurt, I could feel tears, but I couldn't open my eyes. I didn't panic, though. Voices stirred around the room, causing my heart to race. I didn't have feeling in my body, so whatever happened it had to be traumatic.
The visions, dreams, whatever they were, were still happening. They were quick, flashing to different moments in different sets. Some were happy, most were sad, they created an unhappy image to me. Of whatever my old life was. One vision was the same one that kept popping in and out of my mind; I sat on the roof with a girl, her hand in mine and we sat and watched fireworks in the starry sky. I remember the genuine happy moment and I turned to her and pressed my lips to hers, "Happy one year anniversary, I love you."
Before I kissed her again, I stared. I recognized the face well enough now, I knew the girl that had just pretended to re-meet me.
I still couldn't wake up, I couldn't open my eyes, I began to panic then. My heart pace quickened, I could hear monitors going off. I felt something in my left forearm. I calmed instantly. I went back into dreamland.

The visions became more clear. I could make out faces, I could even name a few friends. I knew I visited New York to see my mom when I was 12. I remember her dying the next year, right after my birthday. I remembered moving with my dad, but I couldn't see him clearly. His face was a blur, and I could tell by a smell of alcohol he was an alcoholic.
The memory of my first time, that night I had visioned before. The girl, was Deejay, she, prior to incident causing me to lose my memory, was everything and more to me. How could I have been so stupid? The whole thing was an act. The girl, the attitude, but the date, that was real. That was genuine. All the rest were lies. I was her girlfriend previous to the date we currently had. I was living with the person I was in love with naturally.
Then a thought occurred, maybe what happened to me happened to her too? Maybe we're both victims of amnesia. The thought was creepy, but very likely.

I don't know how long it had been since I'd actually opened me eyeballs. Now I was able to see a blinding red, orangish light behind my eyelids. My head heart tremendously and I could feel my hand sweating in another hand. I opened my eyes. I was propped up in a hospital bed, the hospital gown loose on me. Deejay held my hand, her head lay beside my left thigh and she was sleep. I squeezed my hand closed and opened it again, Deejay jumped. She looked exhausted, little bags under her eyes supported the idea that she hadn't had enough sleep. Her hair looked as if she'd ran her hand through it a little too much.
"You're awake?" She said, her voice was strained, it made me heart break.
I frowned, "Baby you're stressed."
She attempted at a half grin, but it made her look even more exhausted and stressed out, "I'm okay," she said.
Her voice was barely above a whisper, her voice was still strained,"Are you feeling okay?" She asked.
I nodded, my throat was parched probably because of medicine, "I'm okay, but I should ask the same of you, Are you okay?"
She shrugged, staring at the floor, "I'm good, I was just worried."
"Deejay? Do you have something to tell me?"
She looked up, and I could tell she knew I knew what she hid from me. "You talked, while you were in your coma, and you kept saying that you remember how much you loved me then." She stared down, again. She continued, "You were saying, how much I meant to you. How much I was in your eyes." She ran her hands over her face twice, before staring up at the ceiling. "It hurt so much to pretend at least for that small amount of time that you weren't mines." Deejay shook her head.
"But you don't know how much you mean to me, how much you are in my eyes, or even how much I love you. You mean the world and more to me." She was speaking and I was listening. Oh how I was listening.
"You were missing for two months, before your uncle decided to just clear your memory and send you to someone. He didn't want you to be sent to me at first, because he didn't know me." She sighed, looking down at me, "When he finally did agree to let you stay with me, he told me to tell everyone to act like they never met you. He said it was for your safety from your dad." she said 'dad' with disgust.
I remembered the abuse then. Mental and physical, from him. I still couldn't make him out as an image in my mind.
"Your uncle was here. He left a wrapped up present." She went and got a box off of the table, walked over and handed it to me.
I sat the box in my lap, my hands were asleep so I shook them to wake them up a little.
I opened it.
Inside was a plastic container with the word IPhone 5s across it. Under it was a white shirt with Califonia in bold letters across it. On the side of the box was a post it note, 'To my favorite niece for her birthday, you weren't able to celebrate how you wanted to.'
I smiled, "Uncle Waldo."
Deejay smiled at me, and kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes at the gesture before taking the items out the box. "You know we've been together for two years? And a day?"
I bit my lip, "Yes I do know that. Well I remember it actually."
"So you remember the ring I gave you?" She tilted her head, still smiling.
I frowned in confusion, "What? I don't remember a ring."
"This one," she pulled out a really tiny box, giving it to me.
In the little box was a ring. A gold band with purple and white diamonds. On the ring was a wrapping of tape. I put the ring on my ring finger, fit perfectly.
"You put tape around it so it wouldn't come off and so that it would fit. I thought it was cute." she smirked.
"You proposed?" I asked.
"I certainly did." She smiled

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