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Monday, October 18, 2014
I woke up alone. The house was quiet and it was really cold. I knew it was really early so I laid back down and cut on the tv. It was really silent in the house.
I got up and cut the heat on and went to make myself something to eat.
There was a note on the fridge: be back later, going to school. I shrugged and went to make myself breakfast . After I took a long shower and washed my hair.
It was around eleven. I heard a car in the driveway. I glanced out the window. Marietta and the kids were back carrying baggage.
I rushed into the room and laid down.
I Heard the door open, and a child whining and multiple yawns, bags dropping as more kids came in.
All went upstairs, stomping and dragging their things. I shrugged.

I watched tv all day, jumping up everytime I heard the door open only to see it was the children getting all their things.
Finally, around six thirty, the door opened, and Deejay was home with a duffle bag and a book bag. My little heart raced at the sight of her. She put her bags on the bed and laid down.
"Get dressed." was all she said and I stared at her exhausted appearance. I got up, took my hair out of the towel and dropped the towel around my body.
I grabbed my bra and panties, along with a white short sleeve crop top, and a pair of olive green high waisted shorts. Leaving my hair down for the hat that I planned to wear with it.
I put pink flower sandals on.
"I'm ready."
"Okay," she said, and got up from the bed, "Let's go."

It wasn't long before we pulled in to a theatre parking lot. MJR CINEMA 14 in capital letters on the building. I sat in the passenger seat, hands under thighs, staring out the window. She parked and got out to open my door.
"Thank you." I spoke quietly.
She pulled me along gently, and quickly I was pulled into the theatre.
She paid for tickets to Mall Cop 2, and I realized what this was.
"This is our very first date." I smiled knowingly.
"Duhh," she said and covered my mouth.
We went in and sat in seats in the back, after buying snacks, and I crossed my legs in the seat and held her hand.
I watched the movie, but at the Same time I didn't. I kept thinking about this being a date, how her thumb rubbed over my palm, and occasionally she'd stare at me before she'd kiss my forehead. I loved the whole entirety of it. It was adorable.

At the end of the movie, I sat and watched the credits roll by, thinking.
Then everything went black.

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