All Eyes On You

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I woke up early, Deejay was still sleep, wrapped around me. I smiled, and lifted a little, I felt sore, very sore. Deejay wrapped herself around me tighter.
"Ughhh baby, I have to pee." I groaned.
"Fine." She said and removed her arm.
"Deejay."I said quietly.
"Bonnie." She said.
"What do you want to eat, baby?"
"Food." She said sarcastically.
"Fine, since you wanna be petty, I'll give you your food." I picked up the phone and called room service, ordering all types of things I knew she didn't like.
"Why? Why would you do that?" She asked.
"You said food, you weren't exactly specific."I smirked.
She glared at me, "You know what?"
"No I don't know what." I said.
"God, you're so petty. The pettiest human alive." She glared.
"No, I'm really not." I laughed, she groaned.
I called room service, canceling our order.
"Eggs, grits, bacon, and...?" I asked
"Biscuits." She said, leaning her head against the thigh I rest against the bed.
"Mmk." I said, and went to cook.


I cooked and cleaned, like a little housewife, occasionally staring at the ring that glistened in any light. Deejay was sweet, she always kissed me out of nowhere, hugging me, and saying little things to make me blush immensely.
"How's my baby?" She'd say while I sat reading on the bed. I'd smile and she'd wrap her arms around me to squeeze me, until all I could do is laugh, laugh, laugh.
"Deejay," I'd say, when she was wrapped around me.
"Bonnie." She'd reply, and I'd attempt to push her off me.
And it went like this for a couple days, we'll until it was time to leave. We'd packed our stuff previously just to be ready to go.

Eventually we finally went home, before thanksgiving, and an invitation sat on the bed, in our bedroom.
To Mrs. & Mrs. Jordan, The invitation said, on the envelope:
To Mrs. & Mrs. Jordan,
You have been invited to The Parkers' Thanksgiving Gathering. We will be located at 12155 Glenfield St.. Please come and stay for a while, you are very welcome here. Guests welcome around the Time of  7:30 p.m..
P.s. You are allowed to bring food, as an open potluck.

The Parkers'

"This is your family." Deejay stated.
"Tuh, no shit." I spoke almost silently, as many thoughts spread across my memory.
"You wanna go?" Deejay asked, standing close behind me. I shook my head immediately.
"No! Nope, I hate them." I told her demandingly.
"So, your Aunt on your mom's side might be there..." Deejay began.
"For? She doesn't even like my dad's side of the family. She barely likes her own." I began glaring down the hall.
"You're going." Deejay said before going into the bathroom.
I knew I wasn't going to win this debate.

An hour later...

Doorbell rings, and Deejay and I stood on the doorstep of my great grandmother's home. The door opened slowly, and my stuck up Aunt Rosalie stood there staring disapprovingly. She threw on a fake smile and opened her arms, "Hello Bonnie, and her friend?" She inquired, with fake happiness.
I put on a smile, "Deejay, my fiancee."
"Your mother would be so proud." She said sarcastically, as she turned around, inviting us in unwillingly. My family sat all over the living room, staring at the movie being displayed across the wall from the projector. I stood by the wall with Deejay behind me.
My Grandmother came into the room, a casserole in her oven mitt covered hands. "Foods ready." She said, breathless. She looked over at me, a smile lit her face, "Oh my baby girl." She sat the casserole down, and came over to squeeze me. I was smaller than her.
"Is this the girl you're always talking about ?" She asked.
I blushed deeply, "Yes."
She laughed, "Well aren't you two the cutest things." She squeezed me once more before taking our hands (Me and Deejay's) and dragging us into the kitchen. The long table was set up beautifully. Candles set around the desserts, the table filled with meats and sweets of all kinds. Everything   was in order and set up wonderfully.
"Sit down everyone." My grandma said, before letting me and Deejay go. We sat next to each other near the end of the table. Most of the seats were filled, all, except for two.
My grandma frowned, "Where's Romero?" She asked.
I froze. I heard the front door open and shut and quick footsteps.
My father stepped into the kitchen, his shoes ratting against the floor. He kissed my grandmother, "Hey, ma." He said, then he ran his eyes over the set table. His eyes landed on me, and he smiled. "Hello, daughter."
"Hello." I said, my teeth clinched.
He sat down, across from me, and my grandma sat down also.
"Let's say a prayer." She requested, grabbing my father's   hand.
I blanked out, all I heard was the end of the prayer, " 'May All be appreciate and thankful for the family and love and food, given here today,' "
The prayer was followed by a cluster of Amens'.
Then He spoke, "Thank god some people are appreciative. Some people can't even be respectful of the roof over their head." He grabbed the spoon that laid faithfully in the potatoe salad.
I narrowed my eye lids, "Only if some people had something   to be appreciative of."
He lifted his head to me, before frowning, "What didn't I give you?"
I tiled my head, the anger getting to bad to control, "What did you give me?"
"Life, a roof over your head, clothes on your back, etc." He ate as he piled his plate with food, everyone else stared between us.
"That's funny. The last I recall, you put me out, at 14, and said I looked, and acted too much like my mother. You banned me because, I was lesbian, and yoy said, and I'll quote, 'Can't have a nasty bitch around my house,'. You surely sing give me a home. I barely knew you before my mother died. What did you give me? You gave me a room. With nothing to sleep on, or in. What clothes did you give me? I bought my clothes with the money my mother left me. Oh and by the way, " I stopped, turning to my Aunt Rosalie, "She would love me no matter what."
I turned back to Romero, "So what did you give me? You didn't even give me life, THAT WOULD BE MY MOTHER. So PLEASE tell me what you gave me?"
I smacked my hand against the table.
"Babe, calm down." Deejay whispered. She caressed my hand with her thumb, calming me a little.
He was angry now, "I gave you a damn home, when you had no one. No one wanted you."
I laughed, tears brimming my eyes, my head down, "The thing is, someone did want me. She was the same person who didn't want you. And you were mad, "I paused to laugh again through the tears, "You were pissed . She loved me and not you. So you took it out on me right? Not taking care of me, having me fend for myself. That was your pay back?"
"You will have respect, I am your father!" He stood.
I got up, pushing my chair back, grabbing Deejay's hand.
"And to think, a year before she died, she was thinking of moving back with you. I hope you die terribly. I'm sorry grandma, I have to go so soon." I left the house, stuffing my hair in a scrunchie.

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