In sickness.

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We were cuddled. I laid in her large crimson Roll Tide t-shirt, and her hand rubbed inbetween my thighs. My cheeks felt warm, as I blushed immensely because of what she was doing. She wrapped one arm around me, holding my arms to my sides. She pushed her fingers inside me. I gasped trying to pull my arm from her grasp. She gripped tighter, went deeper, and faster. I moaned loud and she whispered for me to shut up. I whined as she teased, going in fast and pulling out slow. My back arched against the bed and I began pushing away from her.
"No, no. Come back." Deejay said. I obeyed, "Now give me kiss." She looked at me and said. I kissed her lips and she went inside, I bit down.
The song First Position by Kehlani played in the background. Her hands were on either side of my waist, and I felt her stroke slow. I moved, making her pull out a little, she pulled me back. I pouted, then wrapped my arms around her.
"Bae?" I whispered.
"Hmm?" She said, picking up her pace.
"I love you." I moaned, "Fuck! I love you."
"I love you." She replied, fixing our position a little. That made me feel it more.
I whined, pushing her away.
She kissed in the crook of my neck, making her way up to my ear, where she whispered, "Stop moving baby."

** 2 hours earlier**

I went to McDonald's for a caramel Frappe, my pants yoga pants a little tighter than I'd like them to be. I walked to the counter, a employee, waiting for me.
I smiled, "Hello, can I get 2 medium caramel frappes'?"
The person behind the counter, Nicole, her name tag read, smiled back, "Yes, that'll be 5.58."
I gave her a 10 dollar bill. She gave me my change back, with 2 straws, and a receipt. I waited for the frappes'.
About 5 minutes later she handed me the frappes.
"Thank you, have a nice day." I said, throwing the girl a smile and walking out to the car.
"Here sickling," I said, handing Deejay the frappe. She sipped slowly.
"It's cooollld." She whined. I kept driving toward the house.
"Oh really?" I grimaced sarcastically.
"Yessssss."She replied. I rolled my eyes.
"We're almost home." I said, glancing over to her.
Not long after, we pulled into the driveway and got out of the car.
Deejay whined as I unlocked the door and walked her all the way into our room.
"Drink the Frappe babe and your throat will hurt less." I went into the kitchen to make her chicken noodle soup.
She came in the kitchen once, holding her empty frappe cup in her hand like a child of hunger.
"God you're so dramatic," I laughed and handed her the rest of my frappe. She skipped back to the room. I rolled my eyes at her leaving figure.
"Hurry up and cook," I shouted into the pot of soup, holding the spoon impaitently. After about 20 more minutes of continuously checking carrots to see if they were soft yet, the soup was done. I grabbed a bowl filled it with soup -pouring out the juice- and walked into our back room.
When I came in, the creep was sat up, smiling mischievously with both her hands wrapped around the frappe. I narrowed my eyes, before passing her the soup.
"Don't know what you're up to," I said, pausing to take off my pants, "but I'm going to kill you if I die from it."
"How exactly are you going to kill me if you're dead?" She asked, taking a moment to frown.
"Oh babe, don't worry, I'll come back just for you." I smirked, patting her leg. I climbed onto the bed wrapping myself with the blanket.
"I'm not hungry." Deejay stated as I closed my eyes. I huffed before turning to glare at her.
"Then put the stupid bowl on the dresser." I said.
"Okay." She said, and I felt her leave the bed and then quickly get back in. "It's cold," Deejay said in my ear. Her arms were wrapped around my waist and her t shirt, the one I was currently in, was rising from the movement of her hand coming up my thigh.
"I wanna cuddle." She said, beginning to grip my thigh.
"Don't you start. You're sick." I sighed, crossing my legs from the throbbing she had caused. She whined and I groaned.
"Fine. But that's it just cuddling." Now I knew that that wasn't the only thing that was going to happen.

**Present hour**

"I came." I moaned, pushing her out of me. She hovered above me for a few seconds, before kissing me and falling beside me.
"Can we cuddle again?" She laughed. I glared at her, before groaning.
"Dammit, you're sick. Now I'm going to be sick." I whined.
She laughed some more, "I'm not sick."
"What. Did. You. Just. Say.?" I faced her and glared.
"I'm not sick," she said confidently, "I'm wanted to be baby'd."
She kissed me throwing me off, and when I realized it I pushed her away.
"You're such an ass. You could've been like 'hey babe, I wanna be baby'd ' not pretend you friggin sick you asshole."
"You love me."
"I'm aware I love and asshole."
"Exactly." Deejay confirmed.
"Shut up, Gosh!"
"You looooovveee me," She sang in my ear, holding my hands.
"Shut up! Just shhh! I'm aware I love you, " I rolled my eyes, "Asshole."
"That's not what you were saying five minutes ago." She smiled, chuckling slightly.
"Oh shut the hell up." I replied.

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