New housing

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The house had the American Family theme. The flag was in a flag post on the side of a wide window. The front stairs were damaged and crumbling. The porch was railed in with wooden posts and picket fence wood to decorate a little. I parked the car in the driveway and got out slowly, the neighborhood looked pretty nice.

The door handle had a key in it. I unlocked the door, taking the key out the door. I opened the other door and stepped in. Inside the house were leather brown couches, one near a window on the side of the house, the other near the window near the flag.

The kitchen was clear, except a table and a fridge. The floor was dirty with mud stains on the floor.

"Ma! You back!?" Someone yelled. I heard footsteps run down the stairs. A tall girl with boy cut hair and boy clothing stood in the hallway staring at me.

"Hello?" I waved awkwardly.

"Hi," she waved back. I had to admit she was cute, as a stud. She was way taller than me, and waayy friendlier. I probably never would have said 'hi' to any stranger that came into my house. Then again how would I know,

"Are you Bonnie?" She asked me and I nodded slowly.

"I guess I am." I replied

She stared at me confused then shook it off, pointing a little, "Your sharing a room with me." She muttered something else but I couldn't hear.

In her room was a dresser with things scattered all over it, also a tv. In the corner, were totes filled with clothes. On the other side of the room, there was a smaller dresser thing that was clear unlike the other one which was wooden. The one bed was in the corner, against the window, messy.

"We're sleeping together?" I asked, I wasn't trying to be rude but I think she took it that way.

"Uh yeah, unless you'd like to meet my floor. I'm sure the floor would be more willing to share." She snapped.

I hung my head and laid down on the bed. I felt the bed dip and her next to me. I don't know when I fell asleep.

"Pssssssst!" I heard in my ear. I blinked in darkness.

"Huh?" I whispered in a raspy voice, I cleared my throat.

"Get off of me!" She muttered. I rolled over and apparently off of her. She huffed, "Thank you." She rolled onto her side.

"Excuse me?" I whispered.

"Huh?" She said.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Deejay. Now leave me alone."

"Okay, geez." I fell back to sleep.

"Deejayy! Deejay!!" Someone was yelling. I opened my eyes slightly to see a short girl with long brown hair. Deejay was still asleep. The girl glared at me, "Who are you?" She asked me.

"Bonnie, who are you?" I asked, not really intimidated by her glare.

"Her ex girlfriend now, goodbye." She turned around and left.

Deejay decided now was the time to get up, "Why people slamming doors and shit?" She stared out the door for a minute. "A girl just came in?" She asked me, I nodded.

"Your ex girlfriend, that's what she said." I felt bad now.

"Broo what the fuck! What....nvm, fuck it. Just fuck it."

I stared at her for a minute before climbing out the bed, "Where's the bathroom?" I asked.

"Upstairs. Turn right." She replied .

I went to get my clothes from the car, before going to the bathroom.

I took twenty minutes altogether. Ten in the shower. Five minutes to dry off because I was being lazy. Five more minutes to get dressed, with socks. By the time I got out of the bathroom, everyone was awake. Two identical girls from one room who were probably 12, 13. One boy who had to be around 18 or 19. And another little boy who was around 2 or 3. Coming after that boy was apparently his mother.

"IZZZYYY!!!!" She yelled running down the stairs. The little boy broke into a mischievous smile and snickered, running also. His mother got him and picked him up before he could get too far. "Stop.Doing.That." She looked up and her eyes landed on me. Breaking into a smile, she said, "Bonnie? Right?" I stared at her for a minute before she said, "the amnesia thingy, duhh." She tapped her forehead. I laughed before nodding.

"Yeah." I said.

"Sorry about the room arrangement, your uncle told me later than usual about your visit. Your bedset will be coming soon though. By the way, I'm Marietta."

"Thanks." I said.

"Always been a pleasure." She smiled. "I've got to go take this little midget upstairs to his father." She turned around and sent a glare towards the little boy, he smiled at her, "I'm always upstairs if you need me."

I smiled, "Okay."

The little boy ran up the stairs with Marietta chasing him, "Get back here." Was all I heard.

I took that as my cue to leave. I went back down stairs to see Deejay staring at her phone. I was about to turn around when she said, "Do you think we could be friends?"

I was confused at first, because I truly believed she disliked me staying here right now, but I answered politely, "Sure, if you'd like to."

She nodded, "Wanna watch tv?"

I shrugged, "Sure."

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