Moment Of Worth

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I got discharged two days after I woke up. I got sent home with memories bad, and good. Deejay stuck by my side all the while.
I had to rest a while, "bed rest" they called it. Deejay was really helpful, she took care of me, it was nice. I felt like it was childish I was put on bed rest, but It was what it had to be. The bed became my home place, I only got out of it to  shower and use the bathroom. Otherwise, I stayed in the house, in the room, under Deejay. All day. Everyday. The only thing I liked was being under Deejay. I was tired of being in the bed, I was tired of being in the bed. I hadn't had sex in god knows how long. I missed it. So much.
I sighed, and turned over. Deejay was sleep. I groaned and moved her arms. I sat up, suddenly irritated.
Apparently the gesture woke her up, "You okay?"
I nodded, turning slightly, "Yeah, I'm okay." I yawned.
"What's wrong?" She asked sitting beside me.
"Nothing. Nothing at all." I said.
"You're lying." She said, "I know you're lying."
"Okay." I rolled my eyes, I was really irritated now.
"What's wrong?" She asked again.
Sexually frustrated. I was sexually frustrated. So, my mad ass kissed her. At first softly, I guess to be nice, I don't really know, but it wasn't long before more things became apparent and I lost the "nice" in me.
I tugged on her shirt to pull her over me. I bit gently on her bottom lip, she let go. She pulled my shirt over my head, very slowly. She ran her hands down the sides of my exposed half, before pulling at the string in my jogging pants. Deejay pulled those off, too.
When she had fully stripped me, she began kissing every where. Every piece of skin, that was mine, was exposed to her lips. Her hands explored, ending between my legs, and where her fingers were, caused me to grab (and squeeze) onto her. She pushed me down on the bed, pushed my legs up and continued what she was doing.
I couldn't scream, or moan too loud, so I had to bite a pillow. I tried moving, scooting up, pushing her hand away, all I got was various replies.
"Don't run." "Stop moving." "Don't/ stop touching me."
Soon enough, that pillow wasn't helping anymore. She had reached many many limits inside me.
And then she went down, my legs were through. They were shaking already, but when she went down, I trembled.
Every where. I moaned, screamed, whined, begged, apologized, squirmed, I even pleaded. I did everything. She held me in place after I started moving too much. Her tongue was very gentle and motivational for the screaming I was doing.


She put me straight to sleep. I slept up under her arm and during my sleep, I felt her place kisses on my forehead. Deejay also rubbed her thumb over my navel piercing.
I felt so safe and secure in her arms while I slept. The morning seemed to come too quick and I whined when I felt her move off, away from me.
"Your leaving me,"I pouted.
She smiled, and finished buttoning her shirt, "I'll be back for you my baby. I'll be back later, around three."
I continued pouting. She grabbed her doufel bag and leaned over and kissed me.
"I'll be back. I'm taking you out for ice cream later, when I get home."
I whined but complied and watched as she left out the house, following her with a sheet wrapped around me loosely.
I showered, my stomach had started cramping. The shower turned into a shower bath. Then the shower bath turned into a bath. I filled the tub to the top and laid there for hours. Occasionally, when the water got cold I let most of it out and filled it up with more hot water. I even fell asleep, when the pain subsided a little. I woke up to Deejay. Her eyes were wide, and she looked terrified.
I panicked, but I got up and that scared Deejay, but she looked relieved after a little.
"You scared me." She deadpanned.
I looked around, "I sorry," I pouted, "my stomach was hurting and I've been in the tub all day."
"Duhh you dummy, your period. You usually come on around this time."
I raised my eyebrow, "You monitor my period?"
She shook her head, "No, it's just you always come on around this time."
"Ahh okay." I said, then I noticed that the water was barely Luke warm anymore. I think Deejay noticed too because she held a towel out.
"Come on," she said. I got up and stepped out into the towel. She dried me off like a child, and we went into the room.
"Go lay down, I'm getting us ice cream."
I nodded and laid down, resulting into my next slumber.

I heard the door open, and that startled me awake. Deejay had two cups of ice cream, the cones upside-down in them. She handed me my ice cream, and I curled into a ball of blanket while breaking off the waffle cone and eating it. Deejay sat in front of me, her legs crossed, and she ate her ice cream as well.
"I love you." She said, after staring at me for a minute. I smiled at my cup before looking up, "I love you more."

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