**Fast Forward**

18 1 0

"DEEJAY!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I heard her footsteps from the upstairs.
"Yes baby?" She replied.
"Did you get the cup cakes and sweet and sour sauce like I told you to?"
She smiled, "I sure did..." she said and she ran outside and came back quickly with a bag.
"I really wish you'd have bought this in earlier, they'll be here in an hour!" I sat the items down on the counter in the middle of the kitchen.
"It'll be fine, this'll go great." She said reassuringly, tilting my head up and kissing my forehead.
I sighed, "I know."
"Good, now go cook." She kissed me and went back upstairs.

**1 hour later**
"Foods all ready." I yelled up the stairs. Deejay rushed down them, then we heard the doorbell ring.
"They're here!" I said, beginning to panick.
"Calm down," Deejay said, hugging me, "I'll get the door, you set the table up. " I nodded quickly before taking off the apron, taking the chopsticks out my bun, and dusting off my clothes. I set the table up quickly.
When I walked into the living room, The adoption parents were already sat down. The twin infants sat on the side of the couch, one boy, one girl, they sat in their car seats sleep. Their mother smiled at me before getting up and hugging me.
"Um, I'm sorry, I sort of wanted to make this quick." She said.
I could see her eyes were red and so was her nose so I let it go.
"So you have the papers I assume?" I asked sitting down. She pulled the papers out of her purse, setting them on the table.
Deejay and I signed the papers for the legal rights to the twins, when we were done I added, "We'll have it documented tomorrow morning."
The woman, Nadya, nodded her head, "Okay. Danny, uh, go get the things for them."
He got up but I spoke quickly, "Oh no, we've already got their rooms and things set up. No need really."
Nadya looked over at me, "Please take it." She said and her voice was cracked. I nodded, looking at the floor. She got on the floor with the twins, removing their blankets from their face. She said something very quietly before putting the cover back over them. She got up and before she could leave I hugged her.
"Thank you. You have no idea how much this means to us. Thank you so much." She pulled back and attempted a smile and left out the door. Her boyfriend brought in the things they had for them : Diapers, wipes, diaper bags, clothes, shoes, hats, etc. He set it in the living room before nodding his head at us and shutting the door behind him.
Deejay began putting the things upstairs.
I dropped to the floor and took the cover off the twins. The boy had his eyes wide open. His pretty blue, green, and hazel eyes looked at me. He stuck his bottom lip out and began sniffling, I wish you could've seen how cute it was. I unbuckled him from the car seat and picked him up, sort of rocking him. He stopped crying and began playing with the button my my dress, his tiny fingers unable to grasp it. I tilted my head to the side, watching him fiddle with it.
"My little Reece cup." I whispered, he yawned, his little features contorting into something so adorable. He smacked his lips in a constant motion as if tasting for something and his eyes drooped. He fell asleep holding my button to my dress.
Deejay wrapped her arms around me, kissing my neck slowly. My ears warned at the gesture.
"Give him here so I can take them upstairs, to their room. " Deejay said, and I turned and got up to give her Reece. I grabbed Ramsey and carried her up the stairs to their rooms.
We turned on the light and Deejay laid Reece into his crib. I took Ramsey out her car seat and laid her in her crib. They were scored a little which was cute. I put their car seats in the window seat area, and locked their windows. I turned in baby monitors just in case.
"Babe?" I said quietly, as I turned off their lights (they had bright night lights).
"Yes my love?" She answered, closing the door.
"We've got babies now. Little bundles." I said.
She laughed quietly, "Yes we do. We sure do."
She went downstairs to lock the doors and put up the food. I went across the hall to lay down. She came back upstairs and got in bed.
"Babe?" Deejay said.
"Yes, my baby?" I answered tiredly.
"I love you." She said kissing my forehead.
"I love you. " I replied, turning into her arms.
I slept real good that night.

Brand New Bonnie.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora